Tag Archives: Global Mobility

Recruiting Fail Could Easily be Avoided

I’m on a MISSION to bring the HUMAN TOUCH back into Global Mobility. One theme that I see more now is that we Global Mobility Professionals are involved in the recruiting of Global Talent. This makes a lot of sense when you consider that we have the knowledge and skills to deal with most of the challenges that hiring people from other countries brings. However, since in most organizations, we are not officially responsible we don’t get the resources we need to deal with recruiting professionally. Hence, we can consult but not support. So, dear recruiters, I hope this is helpful. The Search for the Right Talent Lifestyle Expats, or Self-Initiated Expats (SIEs), are an important factor in today’s global […]

Unpacking the Shortcomings of Lifestyle Expats

I have been a strong proponent of Global Mobility for years now and most readers and clients will know my general optimism towards it. I will be taking a critical look at the trend towards more Lifestyle Expats and various shortcomings that need to be addressed by Global Mobility Managers, Recruiters, and HR Directors if we want to hire qualified professionals from other countries into the German-speaking regions without annoying them in the process. Another trend we have to take into consideration here is that our populations are a lot more diverse than they used to be ten years ago (Weinberger, 2019). We especially see a rise in female expats such as Ayeesha on assignment (Yeah!). As I already wrote […]

Why Transform Global Mobility

Why transform the global mobility

Over the last twenty years in Human Resources, I noticed that a lot of Expats were frustrated in the process of moving to another country for work. It was not only because their companies paid them another package than what they expected. It was also because a lot of international assignees underestimated the challenge of moving to another country. For example, expats moving to Switzerland often think it will be easier to find affordable childcare, high-quality apartments, and a job for their “trailing” spouse. Most expats believe it will be easy to learn the local language (or they even think we speak English). Most expats believe that they are going to have a great career step after their repatriation. I […]

What To Consider When Conducting Business Abroad

By Brooke Faulkner As the world becomes more connected, many businesses are dreaming of expanding into other global markets. In fact, 54 percent of US companies already have some foreign market involvement, according to statistics from Rutgers University, and a whopping 80 percent of business executives agree that U.S. companies should expand internationally for long-term business growth. Increased digitization may make foreign expansion seem like a piece of cake, but in actuality, many factors contribute to realizing success as a truly global business. Here are three things to consider when conducting business abroad: Invest in Workforce Diversity and Hiring The HR component of a business is often looked at as a follow-up measure after the integral team has established a […]

Planning for Rocking Success

21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader

Do you approach each new year with renewed vigor and plans for self-improvement? Perhaps a better gym routine or healthier lifestyle habits? Maybe you wish to tackle your work differently. Do you then find yourself not able to sustain these plans beyond a few weeks? New Year’s resolutions often end up lacking consistency, so we prefer to set our intentions and one word for the year. We also think this time of the year is great for setting new learning goals and for updating our old learning targets. If you want to break through in 2024 try this: 1- Join us for a Global Rockstar Session What is important to me when I work with clients in 1:1 Executive Coaching […]