Tag Archives: Writing

The Global Rockstar Album – 21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader

21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader

The Global Rockstar Album – 21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader With “The Global Rockstar Album – 21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader” launching around the corner, I thought I would talk briefly about my journey of completing this book. Every book project is a massive team effort. I realized in June that it would be easy just to quit the project, so I forced myself a little. I used what I call the “people approach to managing projects.” Often when I am confronted with my inner corrupters and I find a way to get over myself I feel like sharing this with you. Here are my learnings from this fourth book […]

Global Mobility Return on Investment

Expat selection, The Global Mobility Workbook

According to Brookfield (2016) 95% of companies do not measure their Global Mobility Return on Investment. “Given the inordinate amount of cost pressure on mobility today, it is somewhat surprising that more companies do not seem to have basic cost management practices in place. Only 62% of respondents indicated that they track costs during an assignment, and even fewer noted that a cost-benefit analysis is required at the outset of an assignment. With barely two-thirds of companies actually tracking the basic and most transparent part of their investment in assignments – their cost, it is not surprising that 95% of companies do not measure international assignment ROI.”  This research is from 2016 and I bet if we had an updated version we […]

Hiking Mountains – A Writer’s Journey

Castle Tyrole

What hiking mountains and blogging have in common and how to establish yourself as a writer or blogger.

Go Where the Fear is and Magic Will Happen


Did you ever host a party and thought shortly before “What if nobody shows up?”. This is how I used to feel before every party at my house. I thought this time it would be different, but honestly, I was even more afraid. I wished for a few hours that I can sit on my sofa, watching a movie in my jogging pants and eat popcorn. And then I realized this is just a form of stage fright… Our party was just like any great party. Time flew by and I was too busy talking to people while magically the prosecco glass in my hand seemed to fill up automatically. I would like to tell you what I took away […]

The Global Mobility Workbook (Third Edition)

  Why buy us? “Global Mobility” is currently undergoing a global transformation. New technologies, the constant evolution of companies, generational diversity and political situations have evolved the roles and lives of mobile professionals faster than existing policies can keep up, calling for a clear focus on the processes to be updated to cater better for the people driving Global Mobility. Are you as a Global Mobility Professional feeling overwhelmed by the speed and scope of this ‘boom’? Perhaps you need to introduce yourself to the field and get a better, broader overview of Global Mobility.  Maybe you are in HR or a line manager and want to ensure that you are becoming an employer of choice for younger generations demanding […]