The Transformative Power of Global Leadership Coaching

In today’s rapidly evolving global landscape, effective leadership is indispensable. Organizations worldwide are navigating through unprecedented challenges, from technological advancements to cultural shifts and economic uncertainties. In such dynamic environments, the need for capable leaders who can steer their teams towards success has never been more crucial. This is where global leadership coaching steps in as a game-changer, offering a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond individual growth to catalyze organizational excellence.   Understanding Global Leadership Coaching   Global leadership coaching is not just about imparting skills or techniques; it’s a comprehensive approach that fosters holistic development. It involves working closely with leaders across diverse cultures, backgrounds, and geographical locations to enhance their capabilities, broaden their perspectives, and maximize […]

Five Steps to Overcome Your Cinderella Complex

I’m not happy with my weight; the last time I was happy with my weight was in 2004. I did a lot of research and there is a theme that I have come across that might help you as well. One reason I am very passionate about this topic is that it has bothered me almost all of my life. It started probably right when I left high school after my German “Abitur” at 19 years of age. I moved to the UK, where I was an Au-pair and put on five kilos in six months (I know the toast and English food was probably not the healthiest). The same happened when I moved to Australia when I moved to […]

Changing Lives: Finding Your Purpose as an Expat Coach

Expat Coach

Starting a business (and keeping it running) is hard work. I mean, hard! But it is all worth the time, money, and effort invested for those with a passion, a plan, and a reliable support system. It’s going to be a rollercoaster ride, though. Between the rewarding highs of seeing the spark of interest in a student’s eyes or the genuinely thankful client, you were able to help. Then, there are the lows of the stress and responsibilities that come with being an entrepreneur, and you might wonder if you did the right thing by making changes or if you are going to make it. But the freedom to focus your energy on what you have most at heart allows […]

Turn Problems into Solutions – Four Approaches to Solving Problems

Problems can be turned into solutions

“Experience is, for me, the highest authority. The touchstone of validity is my own experience. No other person’s ideas and none of my ideas are as authoritative as my experience. It is to experience that I must return again and again, to discover a closer approximation to truth as it is in the process of becoming me.” – Carl R. Rogers, On Becoming a Person, 1954   1 – Talk about “Problems” to Find a Solution When I was a teenager, we had set meal times and would sit at a table together at least twice a day. Our Sunday family brunch often led to a conversation about a “problem.” My dad was studying to be a Carl Rogers client-centered […]

Becoming a Better Leader by Unlocking your Emotional Intelligence

Female Expat Coaching

The RockMeRetreat will help you build up your Emotional Intelligence. Drawing on the Boudewijn Vermeulen® method, I recommend working with “body sensations.” The key point to note here is that being an effective leader requires understanding one’s own emotions to influence the emotions of others. Therefore, I’ll be talking about ways of developing a better brain-body connection and how that sort of learning can enhance one’s sensitivity and consequently, their leadership skills. Emotions manifest in various ways, like moods, perhaps even as physical ticks. Sometimes you don’t even know that you’re feeling a certain way, yet your body does and is tensed accordingly. Listening to these signs given by your body, therefore, allows us to develop a conscious language of sensation […]