Digital Detox and Mental Health Awareness
- Why are we talking about digital detox retreats, and why doesn’t this seem very easy to do when you are a business owner?
- I slowed down, and this helped me serve my clients better.
- Cultural differences between US Americans and German-language speakers and how this shows in how we conduct business.
Start with a Digital Detox
- Plan a Digital Detox. This one is not easy, as you end up losing contact with your family and friends back home, but it is well established that overuse of social media and technology has a high impact on stress levels. A digital detox weekend will help you regain focus and have time to think and reflect. I usually try to avoid social media for 24 hours over the weekend.
- Implement a Daily Mission Walk. The focus here is not on high-impact training but rather on consistency. Go for a short walk and make it a staple of your daily routine. Motivate yourself with small missions such as taking the dog for a walk, recycling the glass bottles, getting bread or flowers, buying groceries without the car, and dropping a few items off at the local Brockenhaus (or Salvation Army).
- Practice PMR. Work through Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) every day after lunch or before sleep. Start with videos you can find on YouTube or buy CDs and audio from Medical Doctors such as Dr. Beth Salcedo (English) or Dr. Stephan Frucht (German).
- Meditate for five minutes a day. I recommend the Sadhguru app for starters. You can also start your day with a short morning meditation such as this one. I try to combine my first coffee with a short meditation.
- Learn Active Meditation or Dance. I created this video to get you started, but there are many more detailed videos on how to do this. I’m teaching active meditation at the RockMeRetreat.
- Start a Journal. Journalling is an excellent method to deal with your mind and emotions. If it feels like a lot of work, try a bullet journal first.
- Join one of our Support Groups, such as the HireMeExpress Group, on Fridays. Having a support group to help through any transition is useful. With the current BANI world out there, I would advise you to build a fast support network and have a person you can trust and speak to about your challenges regularly.
Prevent Family Separation
Prevent Family Separation in Global Mobility
Stop me if you have heard this before. Still, the general belief among people seems to be that separation rates among expatriates are higher than those among native (aka stay-at-home) professionals. I want to point out that this is not the case. The reality is that this idea comes from the fact that the impacts of family separations are much more significant. Consider the difficulty of handling separation and potential custody disputes through geographical boundaries. Discussion among multinational Global Mobility circles is centering on the issue of Dual-Career Expat Couples.
Why You Need To Care About This
You may be wondering how their relationships and related problems impact businesses. The answer is simple:
People would choose to leave their international assignment to save their marriages or, as one Partner in one of my former GM Leader roles once said, “Happy Wife, Happy Life.”
A McKinsey study shows that 70% of expat assignments fail, meaning the position gets vacated, and companies have to spend extra money to replace and train personnel, meaning their growth slows down. Businesses, therefore, have a vested interest in seeing these relationships succeed.
To get the professionals’ perspective, research conducted by PwC found that most employees listed the spouse’s career as a barrier to mobility.
Many would not choose to disrupt their spouse’s established careers and move them to another country.
Reports from Crown and Brookfield pointed out that family challenges of international relocation remain a top reason for assignment refusal and failure. At the same time, a growing body of anecdotal evidence suggests that many expatriate marriages often fail at massive cost to organizations (McNulty, 2015). Nearly 70% of expatriates and their spouses reported “marital breakdown” as the most crucial reason relocations fail (Lazarova et al., 2015; Lazarova & Pascoe, 2013).
The reasons for Expatriate Failure are usually not well captured. There is a data hole here, and we must assume that family reasons are a significant reason for expatriate failure rates. This lack of data needs to be addressed shortly as the importance of this issue rises, as a recent survey from Mercer highlights. According to the NetExpat and EY Relocation Partner Survey, 71% of the companies surveyed claim that Expat Spouse’s unhappiness is the primary reason for Expatriate Failure.
In light of all these findings, improving spouse and family assistance as well as spouse career support clearly needs to feature at the top of the list of challenges and priorities of Global Mobility programs.
Regarding Expatriate Failure rates, one example that I tend to criticize is that assignments often end prematurely because of business considerations, expats accepting a new role in a new location, or ending school years. However, the project was still a success.
The current definition of Expatriate Failure would categorize such an assignment as a “failure.”
In contradiction to “Expatriate failure,” “Expatriate Adjustment” is used as a common way to measure the “success” of an international project and is often equalized with carrying out the assignment during the assigned period.
There isn’t a quick or easy solution to this issue, especially with the data hole present. Let us look at possible solutions to this issue, how to improve the Expat Experience (XX) for your spouse or life partner, and how best to handle the problem in case the worst outcome becomes inevitable.
Besides Expat Spouse’s career, KPMG identified another main demographic reason that leads employees not to take up an international assignment: sexual orientation.
In 2018, only 40% of the companies they surveyed had Diversity and Inclusion objectives as part of their Global Mobility strategy, while only 20% had actually planned to review their policies after reassessing the demographics of their globally mobile employees based on diversity.
Additionally, excluding gender, other points such as ethnicity, age, religion, and disability status have not yet been captured in the global mobility space.
Like in most of today’s international companies, you have probably come to recognize the proven benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace. However, if you are in a same-sex relationship, the reality of Global Mobility can be complex. Even if your Global Mobility Manager is open, you could face immigration challenges and prejudice in the host country.
How do we Define Expat Spouse?
As most countries require you to be legally married to enter their borders, I will also use the term Expat Spouse for life partners. Also, this term applies to all genders and same-sex relationships. For clarity, the gender-neutral ‘spouse’ is the expatriate’s life partner, and the word is also commonly included in contracts and policies for international assignments. We will also use the time Expat Couple. For further definitions and terminology, consult “The Global Mobility Workbook”(2019).
What you can do: Eight Ideas to Avoid Family Separation on Your Expat Assignment
1 – Involve Your Spouse
You (the Expat) must appreciate and contribute in any way possible to not let your Expat Spouse compromise their career. Many Expat Spouses can probably relate to the experience of living in a country that is not always of their choosing.
Often, they also have very high professional qualifications and years of solid work experience behind them. Suddenly though, they are left without any employment despite real efforts to find work and might even struggle to have their degrees recognized in the new country.
The most crucial point here is that you involve your Expat Spouse in the decision-making process from the beginning, not only when the moving truck pulls up the driveway.
2 – Understand Immigration
Many countries do not automatically grant the right to work to the Expat Spouse. You need to check if your company will support your Expat Spouse with obtaining a work permit. You can check the host country’s immigration websites for initial guidance.
3 – Support as long as necessary
Assist your spouse in getting a job or starting their own business by being financially supportive. You can agree on a temporary loan so they don’t feel dependent on you. Discuss the financial situation during the assignment and what it will mean for their old-age pension and other saving plans they might have. Make sure you aren’t troubling them by overemphasizing.
4 – Spend Quality Time Together
A new place can feel daunting and scary, often lonely. Spend quality time with your spouse so they don’t feel alone in a new place. Plan weekends away to learn the positives about living in a new culture, not just daily life. Explore the new culture and meet other people to build a network of friends fast.
5 – Consider Joining A Support Group
Joining a support group of people going through similar experiences can also guide your Expat Spouse in adjusting to change. Several online and physical communities around the world are worth looking into. And when it comes to Switzerland alone, the choice is large: from the well-known Internations to Expatica and from the Zurich Spooglers to the Hausmen of Basel, the opportunities to connect with fellow Expats and Expat Spouses in the country are plenty.
6 – Help Your Spouse In Finding Volunteer Work
In Switzerland, a lot of associations depend on volunteers. Search for English-speaking groups your Expat Spouse could support, like SINGA Switzerland or Capacity Zurich. If you have children, you can also help international schools and kindergartens. Generally, this is easier done by joining parent associations like the ones at the Zurich International School or the Inter-Community School Zurich.
7 – Give them a Coaching Voucher for a Session with Angie Weinberger – Expat Coach
We have a lot of experience helping clients mend their broken relationships. One session can help shift the Spouse’s mindset from victim to self-reliant, strong, and active professional. You can also buy “The Global Career Workbook” (2016).
8 – Step Back For The Next Career Move of your Spouse
Even though this one idea is pretty self-explanatory, it is hard to do in practice, especially if your income is a lot higher than the income of your Spouse. Take turns in whose career is leading the decision for the next assignment. That means stepping back when it is your spouse’s turn to advance in their career.
⏰ Job Seekers, listen up 🇨🇭
👩🎤 Are you looking for a career opportunity in Zurich,🇨🇭 Switzerland, but struggling to find a job?
With a highly competitive job market, high language requirements, and strict certification regulations, landing a job in Switzerland can be daunting. You might search on #LinkedIn and apply for jobs with 101 other applicants. You apply to jobs where you know the brand. That is the straight path into the valley of tears. You might not know that 4 (5) positions are sourced through “Vitamin B.”
But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!
💫 In this free guide, we share ten tips for landing your dream job in Switzerland. These tips are based on our extensive experience in the Swiss job market and will help you easily navigate the job search process.
Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn:
💡 My Top Ten Tips for Landing a Job in Zurich as a Foreigner
💡 My Favorite Job Boards
💡 My 21 Points for Creating a Fresh Resume
💡 A complete moving checklist and much more!
Sign up for your free guide and start your journey to a successful career in Switzerland.
#FreeGuide #Job #HireMeExpress #Switzerland #VitaminB #CircleOfTrust
Top 10 Tips for a Killer Linkedin Profile
Black, S. J., Mendenhall, M. E., Oddou, G. (1991). „Toward a Comprehensive Model of International Adjustment: An Integration of Multiple Theoretical Perspective”, The Academy of Management Review, DOI: 10.2307/258863
Bruno, Debra. (2015, March 18). „Divorce, Global Style: for Expat Marriages Breaking Up is Harder to Do”, The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved April 29, 2020, from
KPMG. (2018). „Inclusion and Diversity in Global Mobility”, KPMG. Retrieved April 30, 2020, from
Hsieh, T., Lavoie, J. & Samek R. (1999): „Are you taking your Expatriate Talent seriously?”, The McKinsey Quarterly. Retrieved April 29, 2020, from
Lazarova, M., McNulty, Y. & Semeniuk, M. (2015). „Expatriate family narratives on international mobility: key characteristics of the successful moveable family”, in Suutari, V. and Makela, L. (Eds), Work and Personal Life Interface of International Career Contexts, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 55-76.
Lazarova, M. & Pascoe, R. (2013). „We are not on vacation! Bridging the scholar-practitioner gap in expatriate family research”, in Lazarova, M., McNulty, Y. and Reiche, S. (symposium organizers), ‘Moving Sucks!’: What Expatriate Families Really Want (and Get) When They Relocate, Symposium at 2013 US Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
McNulty, Y. (2015). „Till stress do us part: the causes and consequences of expatriate divorce”. Journal of Global Mobility, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 106–136.
McNulty, Y., Selmer, J. (2017): Research handbook of expatriates.
Weinberger, A. (2019a): „The Global Mobility Workbook, “Third Edition, Global People Transitions, Zurich.
Weinberger, A. (2019b): „The Use of Digital Intercultural Coaching with Expats and Implications for Transition Plans in Global Mobility”, Master’s thesis, The Institute for Taxation and Economics, Rotterdam, from
How to Make it in Winterthur – An Indian Teacher on her Journey to Becoming a Digital Learning Specialist
Guest Post by Balakirthika Jayakumar
Switzerland is considered a paradise on earth. Every human aspires to set his/her foot on the land of Switzerland. Why is it that one aspires to visit this place? It is the bounty of nature in this country that attracts people. Also, the high standard and quality of living.
The people of India are fortunate enough to have a glimpse of Switzerland through movies. It is a cliché to have a song shot in this country to add richness to the movie. Either personally or virtually people have ideas about this country that is exuding “excellence” on all levels (including but not limited to chocolate and cuckoo clocks).
These days, thanks to social media, we find resources on the net. Your search for any insignificant or significant details and you get them on the Internet. Thanks to the encouragement given by YouTube monetarily and/or intangible recognition that motivates one to share their knowledge and resources. It is up to the person looking out for the information to decide what he/she wants to look at.
I am a fortunate few who did not just read and virtually visit Switzerland but have been blessed to stay in Switzerland that too with a work permit. My husband works for a Switzerland-based company and after years of service in due recognition of his contribution to his company, he was asked to relocate to Switzerland and execute the responsibility globally from the headquarters. My husband is a self-made man with high aspirations felt blessed by the opportunity and with the most difficult dream becoming reality came a series of expectations to make this blessed life more blessed.
The first thing was to give wonderful education to children. To our surprise, the education consultants in India never suggested Switzerland. They supported Germany, but not Switzerland. With determination, my husband put us all on our toes, and the whole family was geared up to find a way. The process looked tedious as we did apply to colleges, but got rejections from many. We did not know the reason though it was clearly stated. The simple reason was the requirement of Work Experience for entering college. In India, we would work only after the completion of the first degree. This difference was not obvious to us in the beginning. Now anybody asks us, we would guide them.
One of the challenges to studying here as per our understanding was the high cost of living. The expense of education was affordable as the government supported the funding for all students. It was the living cost that one had to plan and be equipped with to pursue the education.
Another challenge was the immigration process. The country gets approval from the student that he/she will not demand employment in the country upon completion of studies. A country that readily extended its helping hand to accommodate the student to empower through education unbiased does not assure employment. Unlike the USA, Canada, and the UK, which charge their students a huge amount, but paves way for their employment, here was a country that did not assure the same. Unless the student has the thirst to acquire knowledge and the willpower to sustain the knowledge, he/she would choose the easier destination of the USA and like countries.
If the family relocates to Switzerland these challenges are nullified for the family bears the expenses of stay which is anyhow a necessity. Such was the case for us. The first add-on dream of educating our children abroad got fulfilled. The education system is highly commendable with passionate, unbiased teachers willing to impart knowledge genuinely.
Here the challenge was the pattern of examination. The examination was based on the understanding of the concepts learned. It was never reproducing the concepts. This was a part of the assessment in the education system studied by our children. Now when the whole assessment module revolved around assessing the understanding, it did look challenging in the beginning, but later children knew that the effort required was more and in a new direction and they accommodated themselves for the new system and started learning and implementing the same.
Life in Switzerland is fantastic if you have all the needed money. One had the potential to earn and equally had to shell money for a living. One cannot just casually lead a life. Things have to be planned. Certain commitments like insurance, tax, travel and accommodation are inevitable. A major portion of the earnings is spent on these inevitable. Like any expat, who relocates to Switzerland, we too have landed upon dreams to earn, spend and save for the future. This is an opportunity to create savings. With one person’s earnings, it is not possible to save as per the expectation.
The standard of living raises, the quality of life exceeds the expectation, and self-development increases. One tends to be more systematic and accountable. The trust one has in others is another marvel. The fitness quotient is another dimension that calls for appreciation and motivates one to be so. The dignity of labor is the culture of Switzerland that every country needs to acquire. The discipline inculcated into one from childhood requires a standing ovation. The concern for the environment, the patriotism ingrained in each, and the support they extend for local produce is something amazing.
Having seen all these wonderful aspects of this country as an expat wife with years of experience in my home country, I aspired to render my services to this holistic country. I landed in this country with high hopes of fitting into the job market and doing wonders in this already magical country. With almost score years of experience, I was very confident that I would be quickly absorbed into a renowned company and that there would be great learning as well as a contribution from my side. I took a month to settle and, with great enthusiasm, started applying for the jobs that were suggested by well-known job portals. There was a rejection the first time, then the second, and then the third. And when the 10th consecutive rejection came, I was shattered.
Every rejection came with a sweet note saying that your experiences are highly appreciated, but I’m sorry to share that they do not fit our company requirements. My confidence was reduced, and I was groping as to what to do next. I had no clue where I went wrong. All these years of experience I had created a mark for myself in my job domain and where did I go wrong? I was not even short-listed. How do I prove myself when not called for personal interaction?
This was when Ms. Sonia Meier, Managing Director / Immigration & Relocation Specialist, BECOMELOCAL GmbH, who helped in getting settled in the country, shared the details of a series of 3 free workshops to be conducted by Ms. Angie Weinberger, Female Founder and Managing Director at Global People Transitions Ltd. This was what I was looking for. A helping hand to assist me. It came as a boon. I was a bit apprehensive. With an open mind, I attended the workshop. That was mind-blowing. It was organized so systematically with no strings attached that with no second thought, I enrolled myself in HireMeExpress. This program was for 12 weeks, interspersed with one-on-one sessions with Ms. Weinberger. Many other people like me were looking for scaffolding. I deem that we were a blessed lot to be part of the group.
I could understand the system that worked in Switzerland. I knew what I had to work on. Never did Ms. Weinberger judge me. She was and is always there to guide me. She seems to understand what goes on inside of me. She understands my state of mind. I have understood how to proceed and what is that I am looking for. With great confidence and determination, my search is on. I am getting a few leads. It is not easy for a locale here also to switch jobs or get into a new job. The same applies to me. But I have got a path now with the destination. Soon I will be there.
I feel instead of being on a mission not knowing how to proceed when we know that there is someone to lend their helping hands, bringing in the human touch to global mobility not merely by words, but from heart, one has to utilize the service and follow the process religiously to embark on the best for you.
I am getting to know the culture of Switzerland. I value their space. I value their beliefs a lot more now. With conviction, I am all set to become the Digital Learning Specialist who would create a mark for herself in the industry as a trainer touching the lives of many. I started working as a Freelance Editor, pulled together several anthologies, and organized a club of writers and my days are busier than ever. While I still look for a full-time job, I cannot stress enough the importance of freelancing to expand my skills and enhance my personal brand and portfolio. I am on my path and look forward to meeting you anywhere in Winterthur, Zurich or Delhi.
If you want to contact me please reach out via LinkedIn or contact me through
Our Programs
Unlimited Expat Coaching with Coach Angie Weinberger via the RockMeApp
Encore (when you can get no satisfaction)
🌟 Our Expat Helpline
Expats and Expat Spouses have all sorts of life and other challenges. Often, you will not know who to talk to. We offer a helpline where they can address all questions and a research team in the background that will help them with qualified responses. Responses that will not require them to search through fake news and poorly researched content on the Internet. We also have great resources on our blog and additional handouts to send to your Expats and their Spouses.
🌟 HireMeExpress
HireMeExpress is our group coaching program that will get you from frustrated to fantastic in 90 days. Sign up to our waiting list to get invited to free webinars and get a chance to join the following program.
🌟 The RockMeRetreat by Angela Weinberger
The RockMeRetreat by Angie Weinberger is an intensive seven-day leadership retreat for Expats and Expat Spouses. The participants will work in small groups of eight, focusing on their challenges to improve their inclusive leadership capability, productivity, and general well-being at work. The guidance comes from Weinberger’s recent book, “The Global Rockstar Album – 21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader”.
🌟 Global Competency Assessments via ICBI® or IDI®
We use the Individual Cultural Blueprint Indicator (ICBI) tool to learn more about your cultural identity and preferences. The ICBI is an online behavior, habit, and belief-based assessment that empowers you to understand your artistic preferences and compare those of another country. A debriefing session with Angie Weinberger accompanies this tool to develop self-awareness. IDI – Intercultural Development Inventory® with an Intercultural Development Plan allows you to gain insights concerning intercultural challenges you are facing and identify intercultural competence development goals that are important for you. A debriefing session with Angie Weinberger accompanies this tool to develop self-awareness.
The Social Media Newbie Series – Part 2
Instagram has seen dramatic development in recent years, from roughly a million clients in 2010 to more than one billion. One could contend that Instagram is an online media network like no other. Rather than words, the stage is constructed on the whole around sharing pictures and recordings. This visual contort is the reason Instagram is the social stalwart it is today — “Instagramming” is authoritatively an action word now.
Assuming you are keen on getting an Instagram account or just made one but are not sure how to utilize it, you are in the right place – Here, we will cover every one of the fundamentals, so you can see why Instagram is the top online media stage for commitment today.
To assist you with the beginning, we will stroll through the basics with your Instagram account.
Why Instagram?
Instagram is an online media stage that underlines photograph and video sharing through its portable application. You can take, alter, and distribute visual content for your followers and build a lasting relationship. With roughly two billion monthly active users, Instagram belongs to the most popular social networks worldwide.
It’s hard to remember a time before Instagram. “Do it for the ‘gram” has turned into a typical saying, which implies, basically, “Accomplish something so we can snap a photo and post it to Instagram.”
72% of users report making purchase decisions based on something they saw on Instagram. It makes Instagram a must-have for brands/businesses for building brand image via visuals. Also, it’s an amazing stage for staying connected to the target audience. Remember the trends are changing so quickly nowadays that if you have to keep an eye on social media in real time! (or hire a social media marketer to do it for you!)
Before you get started, connect with your social media and networking purpose again. Remember what you would like to achieve with social media and being connected with more people, grow a following or an audience, and what your one-sentence mission statement is. If you are in one of our programs or work with Angie Weinberger as a coach you probably already know that you need to make a few strategic decisions before you start. You should have clarity on your personal brand, your three labels, your main mission statement, your color scheme, and discussion themes, and decide about your filter already. You don’t just randomly add photos to Instagram, you do this with a purpose and mission in mind.
How To Get Started
To get on Instagram, you should simply download the Instagram application on your phone and get started on your new account by tapping “Join” Instagram is designed to be used via your smartphone only. You can access the platform via a desktop, but you won’t be able to upload content. You can decide to join through Facebook, email, or telephone number. Then, you have to pick a username (short, witty, and relatable to your brand) and password. After that, you’re ready to get started!
Once you are done setting up the profile, follow the steps below:
- Download the application via App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).
- To sign up, click “Sign in with Facebook” if you wish to link the two together, or fill in the usual details such as phone number or email, name, username, and secret key. Then, at that point, click “Join.”
- On Android, click “Join With Email or Phone Number.” On an iPhone, select “Make New Account.”
- Enter your email address and phone number, then click “Next.” You can also join Facebook to reduce the time and effort to log in.
- Whenever you’ve finished setting up your username and password, you will be told to complete your profile information. When you have, tap “Done.”
- Remember your Short bio is crucial to reflect your brand’s personality. It should include a brief self-description, contact information, emojis, hashtags, and more.
Bad Example:
A Coach, Author, and Keynote Speaker.
Good example:
Redefining success ✨
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Global Mobility Lecturer * Author * Keynote Speaker
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The Basics
At its core, Instagram is a friendly and casual platform, with most of the talking done through the visual content being posted. Each time you open the application, you’ll see the fundamental feed of ongoing posts from the accounts (people) you follow. A menu bar is available everywhere in the application at the base.
The Instagram menu bar, or the hub, has five buttons at the lower part of the application screen. Each has a unique function and will be the easiest way to navigate the platform. This is what each button does, from left to right:
- Home Button (Little House): Your fundamental feed where you can look through photographs and recordings posted by the people you follow.
- Explore (Magnifying Glass): The magnifying glass symbol takes you to the Explore page, where you can look at and peruse content from accounts you don’t follow yet may find interesting.
- Upload (The “+” sign): Select the photo (or video) you wish to post from your device’s library or tap the camera icon to take a new image with your smartphone camera. This is where you get creative and share engaging content!
- Activity/Notifications (The heart sign): The heart symbol takes you to a page that showcases likes and comments on your posts.
- Profile (Your own picture!): Clicking your own image takes you to your account wherein you can see your posts, edit your profile settings as well as view your posts insights. Posts insights are crucial in understanding the type of posts which are attracting relevant audience.
How To Post
To share a photograph or video on Instagram, tap the “+” button on the bottom middle of the screen, where you can choose photographs or recordings from your phone’s camera app to post. Instagram permits you to choose up to 10 photographs and recordings to post immediately.
- Decide your Instagram Theme. Decide a theme that you want to follow – which helps in giving your brand a familiar look. You can decide to apply a filter for each post, which, contingent upon who you ask, is vital for the Instagram experience. Filters make it simple to alter shots with various visual preset overlays.
- Add Suitable Captions. Captions are dependably a smart thought. You can utilize words, emoticons, or hash tags. Very much like in remarks, you can likewise “tag” followers and friends by putting “@” before their username. Remember, you can alter inscriptions whenever — or erase them if it becomes necessary later on.
- Consider Tagging Contacts. Instagram permits you to “tag” somebody in your photographs. When you label somebody, they’ll get a notification in their news feed. Feel free to tag brands/businesses as they will love the promotion done. However, It’s best to ask permission prior to adding tags of people you don’t know.
- Add Your Location. Location labels let others know where your photograph was taken. Tapping on an area label carries you to its related area feed, where you can examine other public posts.
- Post to other Social Accounts. Instagram likewise enables you to simultaneously publish a post to other social records. You can cross-post to Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr by connecting accounts.
Explore These Great Features
As you would expect, Instagram carries out new highlights consistently. From a new substance to a continually growing arrangement of inventive devices, Instagram offers a lot of chances for self-articulation and inventiveness. Here are the best-in-class Instagram highlights.
- Instagram (IG) Stories
Many individuals use Instagram solely to make and survey Stories, which are adjustable posts that remain on your feed for 24 hours. These posts, which could be a blend of photographs and short-structure recordings, are introduced in a slideshow design and available through the highest point of the home feed.
- Instagram (IG) Live
Instagram Live is an element that lets you “Livestream” — as such, broadcast live video from your gadget to any individual who needs to watch. Viewers can send you messages and hearts while you stream, making this an extraordinary method for conversing live with audience and doing Q&A sessions in real time!
IGTV is Instagram’s committed video stage, allowing clients to transfer recordings as long as 15 minutes long (or an hour in the event that you utilize the work area variant). IGTV has its own application for iPhone and Android, yet you can likewise find it inside the customary Instagram application.
- Instagram Shopping
Given Instagram’s ubiquity, it’s nothing unexpected that brands are doing all they can to transform Instagram users into clients. As indicated by Instagram, a great many individuals shop on Instagram consistently.
- Instagram Reels
Worked as an adversary to TikTok, Instagram Reels allows you to record and transfer brief recordings as long as 15 seconds in length. When you record a video, you can alter it and add music, text, and enhancements.
Different followers can like or remark on your Reels recordings, which can be a pleasant method for getting more followers.
I know it can be overwhelming in the start so I always recommend to set attainable short term goals and work towards them. Don’t expect to go viral overnight, but stay consistent with postings. Use the right hashtags and engage! You can also run ad campaigns to attract relevant audience but your content needs to be compelling enough that it stands out and keep your audience engaged.
Please follow Angie Weinberger on Instagram. You find her as angie_weinberger.
About the Author
Nabeha Latif is a Digital Media/Branding Consultant specializing in leveraging online marketing channels to achieve desired goals. Since her majors in digital marketing, she has collaborated with names like UN, Ali Baba Inc, Uber, UNESCO, UNDP, etc., to name just a few. She is also actively involved in providing business development services related to marketing. Drop her an email at for any queries