Benefits of Spouse or “Plus One” – Communities in Global Mobility

by Tracy Hope

When I was 22, I moved from New Zealand to California’s Santa Cruz, from one ocean-loving, laid-back community to another. I was young, I was excited, I was a newlywed on an adventure, and I couldn’t imagine the culture shock that I was going to experience there.

It was only years later, when I had moved back to New Zealand and was preparing to move yet again, this time to Zürich, Switzerland, that I really took the time to analyse why returning to NZ from Santa Cruz was such a relief. I never found my niche in California, and it never felt like home. I made few friends there and had a permanent sense of being a fish out of water. And that was in a country where I spoke the language and grew up watching Californian TV shows and movies; the thought of living in a culture with another language (or two) with no prior experience was both exciting and terrifying, and I decided I was going to enter this new adventure with a firm plan to make it home.


There were many reasons why that first relocation felt like a failure. Don’t get me wrong: I loved living there and the opportunities I had for travel and new experiences. But I had expectations from TV and media that left me disappointed and disillusioned, and the culture of forming relationships with others was vague and confusing to me as an outsider. I read books and articles about life as a foreigner in Switzerland and set my expectations low when it came to making friends there.


I bought novels and biographies, learned about the history of the country, followed blogs and instagrams and researched my husband’s new employer, a global tech corporation with a large European headquarters in Zürich. We spent hours trawling through the company’s relocation tips and processes, and finally one day he pointed me to a page announcing a network just for spouses and partners of employees. Nervously I registered, noting the strict protocols to confirm that I was indeed married to an employee and therefore wasn’t joining just to learn company secrets. When my registration was confirmed, I was given access to a whole world within Zürich that I would never have known existed: a community of women and men in the same situation as me, learning to get along in a new country.


I read every webpage, browsed every topic in the mailing list archives, found the answers to questions I had and conversations that reassured me that everything would indeed be OK.


By the time I arrived in Zürich, exhausted and hungry on a snowy Tuesday evening, two children and a husband and a wagon full of suitcases in tow, I had already planned playdates with other families and had tips on how to get from the airport to our temporary apartment. Within two weeks, we had solved all of our new-arrival problems from registering at our local Gemeinde and choosing public transport passes to finding an apartment and buying new furniture. As soon as we moved into our new home (and assembled our Ikea furniture), I opened our apartment up to the community. Ten women came to introduce themselves and offer me their support and advice. Within a month of arriving on the other side of the world, I had found my home.


Having something with as much value as this built-in support network has been the most valuable tool for my relocation, and it’s turned me into something of an evangelist for plus-one networks for internationally relocating families.


There may be nothing more useful to a new arrival than this existing support network, made up of people who have already experienced what you are experiencing, and can give you not only helpful advice but the reassurance that it is survivable.


International HR researchers and RMC’s such as Brookfield publish extensively about this topic. They have found that more than 80% of international assignment contracts that fail, do so because the employees’ spouse or family is unhappy. Having a strong support network for spouses and partners of a company’s employees can drastically reduce the number of cancelled contracts.


The purpose of a plus-one network may vary wildly depending on the country and the community itself. My own community provides support for job seekers, language support, financial advice, social events and even regular welcome activities for new arrivals, giving them answers to the questions everyone has in their first months. The community can serve as a bridge between the company’s culture and the culture of the country, finding ways to connect foreigners with locals and open communications.


It seems unlikely that something so crucial to a successful family relocation can be so hard to find, but there it is: in the city of Zürich, a hub for international companies’ European offices, only one company and one university boast a network just for employees’ partners. In the case of the university, an entire department exists to support families of employees, while the company’s Plus-One network was founded and is managed entirely by volunteers within the community.


And here’s my point: anyone can make such a community exist. Whether in the financial, pharma, or academic sector, any like-minded group of partners or spouses of employees can create something that will boost the chances of a successful relocation, and hence the success of a company’s international employee contract. With solid support from HR, a company can increase the likelihood of their international employees’ contract lasting the distance. When the family is settled and happy, it should go without saying that employees are settled and happy.


A small amount of time and energy can go a long, long way towards happy relocations.


Want to learn more about how to create a Plus-One network? 

About the Author

Tracy Hope does not consider herself a “trailing spouse”. She finds new ways to support recent arrivals in Switzerland through integration events and small business support, and teaches English to children on the side. Kiwi by birth; community builder, writer and teacher by vocation, she will try anything once. Her business, Language Plus, is an English-language school for Swiss and bilingual children, but its boundaries are limitless.

Shattering Glass Ceilings: The Rise of Women in Global Mobility

Photo Credit: Geoff Pegler Women in Global Mobility

Shattering Glass Ceilings: The Rise of Women in Global Mobility

In a world where boundaries are being shattered and opportunities are becoming more inclusive, women are breaking free from the constraints of traditional gender roles and making their mark in every field. The global mobility landscape, once dominated by men, is now witnessing a seismic shift as women rise to the forefront. From corporate executives to entrepreneurs, from expatriates to digital nomads, women are taking charge and redefining what it means to succeed in a globalized world. This empowering trend is not only reshaping the workforce but also challenging societal norms and inspiring future generations. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the rise of women in the global mobility landscape, the challenges they face, and the incredible achievements they have made. Join us as we celebrate the triumphs of these trailblazing women who are shattering glass ceilings and paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse world.

The Historical Gender Gap in Global Mobility

For centuries, women have faced numerous challenges when it comes to mobility and pursuing global opportunities. Historically, societal norms and gender biases have limited women’s access to education, career opportunities, and international experiences. This has resulted in a significant gender gap in global mobility, with men dominating the industry. However, as societies become more aware of the importance of gender equality and inclusivity, the landscape is slowly changing.

Today, more women are pursuing education and career opportunities that enable them to work and live abroad. This shift is not only due to changing societal attitudes but also the result of various factors that have contributed to the rise of women in the global mobility landscape.

Factors Contributing to the Rise of Women in Global Mobility

Several factors have played a crucial role in empowering women and enabling their rise in the global mobility landscape. One of the primary factors is the advancement of technology and the rise of remote work. With the advent of digitalization, more jobs can now be performed from anywhere in the world, providing women with the flexibility to pursue international opportunities without sacrificing their personal or family lives.

Another factor is the increasing focus on diversity and inclusion in organizations. Companies are recognizing the importance of having a diverse workforce that reflects the global markets they serve. As a result, they are actively seeking to hire women and provide them with the necessary support and resources to succeed in their global mobility careers.

Additionally, women’s empowerment movements and advocacy groups have played a significant role in raising awareness about the importance of gender equality in the workplace. These movements have not only challenged societal norms but also inspired women to break free from traditional gender roles and pursue their dreams on a global scale.

Success Stories of Women Breaking the Glass Ceiling in the Industry

The rise of women in the global mobility landscape is not just a theoretical concept but a reality that is being witnessed across various industries. From tech startups to multinational corporations, women are taking on leadership roles and making significant contributions. Let’s explore some inspiring success stories of women who have shattered glass ceilings in the industry.

One such success story is that of Sarah Johnson, a corporate executive who has successfully led global teams in the technology sector. Despite facing initial skepticism and gender biases, Sarah’s determination and expertise have earned her the respect and admiration of her peers. Today, she serves as a role model for aspiring women in the industry, proving that gender is not a barrier to success in the global mobility landscape.

Another inspiring example is Anna Rodriguez, an entrepreneur who founded her own international consulting firm. Anna’s passion for cultural exchange and her ability to navigate different markets have enabled her to build a successful business that helps companies expand globally. Her story showcases the entrepreneurial spirit and resilience of women in the global mobility landscape.

The Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion in the Global Mobility Sector

The rise of women in the global mobility landscape is not just a matter of gender equality; it also brings significant benefits to organizations and the industry as a whole. Research has shown that diverse teams outperform homogenous teams in terms of innovation, problem-solving, and financial performance. By embracing diversity and inclusion, organizations can tap into a wider range of perspectives and experiences, leading to enhanced creativity and better decision-making.

Moreover, having a diverse workforce that reflects the global markets can help companies better understand and connect with their customers. Women bring unique insights and perspectives that can contribute to the development of products and services that cater to a diverse range of needs and preferences. In a globalized world where cultural intelligence is crucial, having women in leadership positions is essential for organizations to thrive.

Challenges and Barriers Faced by Women in the Industry

While the rise of women in the global mobility landscape is undoubtedly a positive trend, it is not without its challenges. Women continue to face various barriers that hinder their progress and limit their opportunities for growth. One of the main challenges is the persistence of gender biases and stereotypes that undermine women’s capabilities and contributions.

Additionally, work-life balance remains a significant challenge for women in the industry. Balancing professional responsibilities with personal and family commitments can be particularly challenging when working in a global context that often requires frequent travel and long hours. Organizations need to implement policies and practices that support work-life integration and provide the necessary support systems for women to thrive.

Strategies and Initiatives to Support Women in Their Global Mobility Careers

To address the challenges faced by women in the global mobility landscape, various strategies and initiatives have been implemented to support their career development and advancement. Mentoring programs, for example, pair experienced professionals with aspiring women to provide guidance, support, and career advice. These programs can help women navigate the industry, build their networks, and gain the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed.

Another strategy is the establishment of women’s networks and affinity groups within organizations. These networks provide a supportive community where women can share experiences, learn from one another, and advocate for gender equality. They also serve as platforms for networking, mentorship, and professional development opportunities.

Additionally, organizations can implement flexible work arrangements and policies that promote work-life balance. This includes offering remote work options, flexible hours, and childcare support. By providing these resources, organizations can create an inclusive and supportive environment that enables women to thrive in their global mobility careers.

The Role of Mentorship and Networking in Empowering Women in the Industry

Mentorship and networking play a crucial role in empowering women in the global mobility landscape. Mentors can provide guidance, support, and advice based on their own experiences, helping women navigate the industry and overcome challenges. They can also serve as advocates and sponsors, opening doors and creating opportunities for their mentees.

Networking, on the other hand, enables women to expand their professional circles, build relationships, and access new opportunities. By connecting with like-minded professionals, women can learn from their peers, share experiences, and gain valuable insights into different aspects of the industry. Networking events, conferences, and online communities are excellent platforms for women to connect and collaborate with others in the global mobility sector.

Future Trends and Opportunities for Women in the Global Mobility Landscape

The future looks promising for women in the global mobility landscape. As organizations continue to recognize the value of diversity and inclusion, more opportunities are emerging for women to take on leadership roles and make an impact. The rise of remote work and digital nomadism also opens up new possibilities for women to pursue global opportunities while maintaining a flexible lifestyle.

Furthermore, the increasing focus on sustainability and social responsibility presents opportunities for women to contribute to the development of sustainable global mobility solutions. From advocating for environmentally friendly transportation to promoting fair and ethical labor practices, women can play a significant role in shaping the future of the industry.

Conclusion and Call to Action for a More Inclusive Industry

The rise of women in the global mobility landscape is a testament to the power of determination, resilience, and the potential within each individual. As we celebrate the achievements of these trailblazing women, it is crucial to recognize that there is still work to be done to create a truly inclusive and diverse industry. Organizations, policymakers, and individuals must continue to advocate for gender equality, challenge biases and stereotypes, and create supportive environments that enable women to thrive.

By embracing diversity and inclusion, the global mobility sector can tap into the full potential of its workforce, drive innovation, and create a more equitable and sustainable future. Let us continue to support and empower women in their global mobility careers, shattering glass ceilings, and paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse world.

Please read our series on Rainbow Talent too.


The Push for Rainbow Talent in Global Mobility – Part 1

The Push for Rainbow Talent in Global Mobility – Part 2

Angie Weinberger’s Latest Song and The Global Rockstar Album

Angie Weinberger’s Latest Song and The Global Rockstar Album

by Anne-Kristelle Carrier

Dear guests, dear team, Angie, good afternoon!

I am truly honored to have worked with Angie’s team on this unique project and to be here for this long-awaited Global Rockstar Album book launch. Angela Weinberger is a true visionary and leader in Global Mobility and has dedicated her career until now to changing things for the better in the corporate world: bringing the Human Touch back into mobility, integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practices, and wrapping it all up, changing the narrative of what a good leader is.

I met Angie back in 2010 at an Expat Partner event she hosted. She made such an impression on me back then: she already gave that leader vibe. Angie radiated this confidence in her expertise, in herself. And even if I hadn’t put my finger on it back then, she made that impression on me because I had perceived her human, caring side. She clearly wasn’t helping people just because she was paid to; she sincerely had to help people at heart.

That is why Angie is a rock star, somewhat of a rebel, like writer, philosophy professor, and political and feminist activist Angela Davis, whom she was named after. Davis once said: “You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time.” That is precisely what Angie does every day.

But Angie is undoubtedly inspired by many women who have radically transformed the world, each in their own domain, in their own way, sharing their wisdom with humanity.

Like Angie, Audre Lord, a Black American queer feminist prolific writer and mother of modern intersectional feminism, knew how important it was to care for oneself. She wrote: “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Talk about radical thinking! Angela Weinberger also insists in her blog, during the retreats she offers, in her new book, The Global Rockstar Album, everywhere she goes that we need to take care of our health and our well-being if we are to be able to work and who knows, change the world!

Mental health is also a crucial part of self-care. When gymnastic superstar Simone Biles announced during the 2021 Tokyo Olympics that she was leaving to focus on her mental health, she did what Angie preaches in her chapter Role-Model Failure: we need to stand up against the fear-culture, the pressure. Mental health is non-negotiable; it should be everyone’s priority. 

You know how they say great minds think alike? In this apocryphal anecdote, Margaret Mead is believed to have said that the first sign of civilization is not, as we would have expected her to say, buildings, cities, or writing, but, as she said, a healed femur. That someone, thousands of years ago, would have survived thanks to the help, care, and support of family or community was, to her, the real sign of civilization. Caring for each other as a community is another value Angie cherishes greatly. And whether Margaret Mead really thought that was the cornerstone of civilization or not, Angie KNOWS it to be the cornerstone of a great team! 

Malala Youssafzai, for her part, fought for education and justice for girls and women in Pakistan and all over the world despite adversity and fear. I am sure Angela adheres to this famous quote of hers: “I truly believe the only way we can create global peace is through not only educating our minds but our hearts and our souls.” 

Shireen ‘Ebadi, an Iranian Human rights advocate, spoke at the Zermatt Summit in 2011 on Servant Leadership and said, “It is about time that “humanity” entered Globalization in all its aspects.” Talk about bringing a human touch!

And you might not have known, but Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, just like Angela, knew the value of Simon Sinek’s concept of the Golden Circle. She said: “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” Angie knows that is how great leaders inspire action, the why: your cause. But I wouldn’t dare spoil the book too much; you can read more in the Global Rockstar Album! 😉

When I met Angie in 2010, I think the great impression she gave me as a leader, and as a human, was due to her empathy. Jacinda Ardern once said in an interview that one of the criticisms she had faced over the years was that she is not aggressive enough or assertive enough, or maybe somehow, because she’s empathetic, which means she’s weak. She said: “I totally rebel against that. I refuse to believe that you cannot be both compassionate and strong.” And I feel that is exactly what Rockstar Angie does too; it’s what she does best: she rebels against this traditional leadership model to be her true self, an empathetic servant leader like this amazing lineage of strong, smart, and caring women.

Some rebels, like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a Nigerian feminist and anti-racism writer, change the world because they don’t like and won’t accept the status quo.  She said, “I am a person who believes in asking questions, in not conforming for the sake of conforming. I am deeply dissatisfied – about so many things, about injustice, about the way the world works – and in some ways, my dissatisfaction drives my storytelling.” I think this is the why to Angie’s golden circle.

Angie practices what she preaches. That is how she inspires change, like Ruth Bader-Ginsberg, Jacinda Ardern, and all those brave women. Bringing the world one more example of what a true leader is. Her book condenses all her knowledge and wisdom and distillates it into 21 clear, simple, and inspirational verses. I trust Angela’s work will profoundly impact how we see leaders and how they are trained so we can all strive for a better, more humane workplace.

Angie has been simmering this book for quite a while now – some things are worth waiting for, they say, right!? I know she can’t wait to present it to you and explain why she embarked on this journey. So I will give her the floor to do just that.

Impressions from the Launch Party in Zurich


inclusive environment for expats
Generations at Work (Kamila Banak and Anne-Kristelle Carrier in a final briefing session before the book launch party)

Anne-Kristelle Carrier has been supplying her inclusive editing and project management skills to Global People Transitions GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland, from April 2021 to September 2023. Global People Transitions is a career coaching and Global Mobility consulting company based in Zurich, Switzerland. The company was founded in 2012.  Mrs. Carrier delivered her services to and reported to the Managing Director and Founder, Angela Weinberger. She is our Inclusive Content Editor and works with us as a freelancer. She also edited The Global Rockstar Album. She is currently looking for new projects. You can contact her via




The Push for Rainbow Talent in Global Mobility – Part 5

Rainbow Talent is diverse

The Push for Rainbow Talent in Global Mobility – Part 5

Welcome to a world beyond the spectrum, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and colors come alive with their own unique talents. In this captivating journey, we delve into the depths of a rainbow’s palette and unravel the hidden treasures that lie within. From the vibrant reds that ignite passion to the soothing blues that inspire serenity, each hue possesses a remarkable gift waiting to be embraced. Join us as we explore the awe-inspiring talents of a rainbow and discover how we can unlock our own potential by embracing the diversity that surrounds us. Whether it’s the powerful leadership of indigo or the creative genius of yellow, there is a lesson to be learned from every shade. Let us venture beyond the spectrum and be amazed by the extraordinary talents that await us.

Understanding the rainbow as a metaphor for diverse talents

The rainbow has long been a symbol of hope and beauty, but it also represents the diverse range of talents that exist within each individual. Just as a rainbow comprises a spectrum of colors, so too do we possess a myriad of skills and abilities. Each color in the rainbow represents a unique talent, waiting to be discovered and nurtured. By understanding the metaphor of the rainbow, we can begin to appreciate the depth and richness of our own capabilities.

The first color of the rainbow, red, is often associated with passion and energy. Those who possess the talent of red are driven by their desires and are not afraid to take risks to achieve their goals. They are natural leaders, inspiring others with their enthusiasm and determination. Like the red color, these individuals radiate warmth and vibrancy, leaving a lasting impact wherever they go.

The second color, orange, represents creativity and innovation. Those with the talent of orange have a unique ability to think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas. They are artists, inventors, and problem solvers, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Like the orange color, they bring a sense of joy and excitement to everything they do.

The third color, yellow, symbolizes intelligence and curiosity. Those with the talent of yellow have a thirst for knowledge and a natural ability to absorb information. They are constantly seeking to learn and understand more about the world around them. Like the yellow color, they bring warmth and brightness to any situation, enlightening others with their insights.

Identifying and embracing your own extraordinary talents and coining yourself as a Rainbow Talent

While the talents associated with each color of the rainbow are unique, it is important to remember that we are not limited to just one talent. Just as a rainbow blends seamlessly from one color to another, so too can our talents overlap and intertwine. The key is to identify and embrace our own extraordinary talents, no matter how they may manifest.

To identify your extraordinary talents, start by reflecting on the activities or pursuits that bring you the most joy and fulfillment. What comes naturally to you? What do others often compliment you on? These are clues to your unique abilities. Take note of the patterns and themes that emerge from your observations.

Once you have identified your talents, it is important to embrace them fully. This means acknowledging and accepting your strengths, as well as any weaknesses that may accompany them. Embracing your talents also means being open to growth and continually seeking ways to develop and enhance your skills. Remember, your talents are not static; they can evolve and grow with time and effort.

Overcoming societal norms and expectations when you are Rainbow Talent

In a world that often values conformity and uniformity, embracing our extraordinary talents can be a challenge. Society often imposes norms and expectations that can stifle our individuality and discourage us from exploring our full potential. However, it is important to remember that true greatness lies in embracing our uniqueness and defying societal expectations.

One way to overcome societal norms is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support and encourage your journey of self-discovery. Seek out communities, organizations, or mentorship programs that celebrate diversity and provide a safe space for individuals to explore and embrace their extraordinary talents. By surrounding yourself with people who understand and appreciate your unique gifts, you will find the strength and inspiration to overcome any obstacles that society may place in your path.

Nurturing and developing extraordinary talents

Once you have identified and embraced your extraordinary talents, it is crucial to nurture and develop them. Just as a rainbow needs the right conditions to form, so too do our talents require care and attention to flourish.

One way to nurture your talents is through deliberate practice. This involves setting specific goals and engaging in focused, intentional practice to improve your skills. Whether it’s through taking classes, seeking out mentors, or dedicating time each day to hone your craft, deliberate practice is essential for unlocking the full potential of your extraordinary talents.

Another important aspect of nurturing your talents is taking care of your overall well-being. Just as a rainbow needs a clear sky to shine, so too do our talents require a healthy body and mind to thrive. Make sure to prioritize self-care, including getting enough rest, eating nutritious food, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. By taking care of yourself, you create the optimal conditions for your talents to flourish.

Inspiring stories of individuals with extraordinary talents

Throughout history, there have been countless individuals who have embraced their extraordinary talents and left an indelible mark on the world. These inspiring stories serve as a reminder of the incredible things that can be achieved when we fully embrace our uniqueness.

One such individual is Leonardo da Vinci, whose extraordinary talents spanned a wide range of disciplines, from art to science to engineering. His insatiable curiosity and relentless pursuit of knowledge led to groundbreaking discoveries and masterpieces that continue to inspire generations.

Another inspiring figure is Marie Curie, whose talent for scientific research and discovery earned her two Nobel Prizes. Despite facing numerous obstacles as a woman in a male-dominated field, Curie’s dedication and brilliance propelled her to become one of the most influential scientists of all time.

These stories remind us that extraordinary talents know no boundaries or limitations. It is up to us to embrace our own unique gifts and use them to make a positive impact on the world.

Cultivating a supportive environment for extraordinary talents

Embracing and nurturing extraordinary talents requires a supportive environment that values diversity and encourages individuality. This begins with promoting a culture of inclusion and acceptance, where everyone’s unique talents are celebrated and respected.

In a supportive environment, individuals are encouraged to take risks, express their ideas freely, and explore their full potential. This can be achieved through fostering open communication, providing opportunities for growth and development, and recognizing and rewarding exceptional achievements.

Leaders and organizations have a crucial role to play in creating and maintaining a supportive environment for extraordinary talents. By leading by example, setting clear expectations, and providing resources and support, they can empower individuals to embrace their unique gifts and contribute their full potential to the collective success.

Celebrating diversity and inclusion in talent recognition

In the pursuit of embracing extraordinary talents, it is important to recognize and celebrate diversity and inclusion. Each individual brings a unique set of talents and perspectives to the table, and it is through embracing this diversity that we can unlock the full potential of our collective talents.

One way to celebrate diversity and inclusion in talent recognition is by promoting equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. This means creating a level playing field where everyone has an equal chance to showcase their talents and contribute to the greater good.

Additionally, it is important to challenge traditional notions of talent and broaden our definition to include a wider range of skills and abilities. By acknowledging and valuing different forms of talent, we create a more inclusive society that recognizes and celebrates the extraordinary abilities of all individuals.

Resources and organizations for exploring and embracing extraordinary talents

To further explore and embrace extraordinary talents, there are numerous resources and organizations available that provide support, guidance, and opportunities for growth.

One such resource is TED Talks, a platform that features inspiring talks on a wide range of topics, including personal development, creativity, and innovation. TED Talks provide a wealth of knowledge and insights from experts and thought leaders, offering valuable inspiration for those seeking to embrace their extraordinary talents.

Another valuable resource is Skillshare, an online learning platform that offers thousands of classes on various subjects, ranging from art and design to technology and business. Skillshare provides a convenient and accessible way to develop and enhance your skills, allowing you to unlock the full potential of your extraordinary talents.

In addition to these resources, there are also organizations dedicated to supporting individuals with extraordinary talents. For example, the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) provides resources, advocacy, and support for gifted individuals and their families. By connecting with organizations like NAGC, you can gain access to a network of like-minded individuals and valuable resources to further develop your extraordinary talents.

Embracing the spectrum of extraordinary talents

In conclusion, the extraordinary talents that lie within each of us are as diverse and vibrant as the colors of a rainbow. By embracing and nurturing these talents, we can unlock our full potential and make a positive impact on the world. It is through recognizing and celebrating the extraordinary abilities of individuals that we can create a more inclusive and supportive society. So let us venture beyond the spectrum, embrace the diversity that surrounds us, and be amazed by the extraordinary talents that await us.

If you liked this post check out our series on Rainbow Talent in Global Mobility and get our newest publication “The Global Rockstar Album – 21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader”.



Bringing the “Human Touch” Back into Global Mobility

Human Touch

Human Touch in Global Mobility

We are robots. At least you could get this impression when you deal with us. Virginia Robot is an observer in our “Global Mobility Academy.” They* regularly comment on our work. For example, when we analyze the process landscape or help expats with their immigration process, Virginia butts in with a comment about how AI could do all that faster, better, and cheaper. For the last three years, we’ve been experimenting with digital global mobility coaching and transition support with you.

We are in a good position to criticize the digitalization buzz and AI hype. Don’t get me wrong: I’m a fan of new and shiny tech tools, and I get excited about apps, but somewhere down the line, they usually disappoint me. For example, on Saturday, I tried to book a flight via my Swissair App while on a train. It seems I just entered another country when…the process failed. Now, I’m trying to find out if my booking was saved in an “interrupted” cart or something, and I haven’t responded for 48 hours. When you are an entrepreneur, time and health are your most critical assets, and it frustrates me when I “waste” time.

In 1999, when I called our global tax provider, I either received an answer right away or they would call back within 24 hours because that was considered good client service. Now, when I call, I often don’t get a chance to leave a voicemail, and when I email, I can be happy if I receive a response within seven days. In my book, that’s not good enough. Let alone that contracts have typos all over and tax declarations need to be corrected. I’m not even a tax advisor, but I smell errors.

My contracts aren’t perfect either. I blame that because I haven’t learned basic administrative tasks, as I would usually have an assistant supporting me. I can draft, comment and edit, but I don’t have the energy to make it look perfect. A few years back, the “Executive Assistant”  had been replaced by HR Software and “manager self-service.” But what if you are building a new team or function? Wouldn’t it help to have admin support or an outsourced virtual assistant sitting at a desk in a home office in Burkina Faso or Bangkok?

So yes, I am interested in exploring working with a colleague such as Virginia Robot as long as they don’t outsmart me in front of my clients. They will probably be better at cost projections, while mine may have formula errors and miss social security data. Virginia will also work 24/7. Maybe they have design skills and a knack for perfect templates.

And they won’t catch a coronavirus or strain a leg in a skiing accident. At some point, they could probably replace our assistant and maybe us as well.

Still, when I look at reality, I’m not worried.

The AI Hype versus Global Mobility Reality

You may have noticed this yourself too, but in the past few years, Global Mobility has revolved around process segmentation, outsourcing, and offshoring. While this has resulted in tremendous optimization and cost saving, it has also had the unintended but unfortunate effect of giving this perception and reputation of being “robotic” and “fragmented”. Before we can teach AI, we must get our digitalization teething issues sorted out globally. On our wishlist is the “holy grail,” the site that rules them all.

The Digital Disruptors in Global Mobility are racing to develop collaborative platforms that speak to each other through API codes. It is, therefore, up to us as Global Mobility Managers to bring back the “Human Touch” in Global Mobility. Through digitalization, we will cut down on the middle person and establish more direct relationships between you and the vendors. We recommend that Global Mobility Professionals meet with you and your spouse before the move and one debriefing session after the return. Ideally, an intimate catch-up during the home leave also helps. Even if we cannot imagine a robot filing tax returns, sending social security applications, and reviewing immigration documents, because of the complexity of the overall topics, we have to see that, and essentially, we are dealing with data.

Looking at my current reality, I often feel thrown back to 1999 when I started in the field, and we moved from net calculations on paper to Excel. Due to IT security, GDPR, and connectivity issues, I can use my hours on data distribution and entry. I prefer to sit down with clients in person and talk face-to-face because then I feel productive. My team of researchers and I thought we should be open to innovation while looking at risks, primarily through the intercultural, diversity, and inclusion glasses.

Focus on Making Constructive Advances in AI

On improving Global Mobility, we would also like to discuss possible ways in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be integrated into Global Mobility positively and constructively. Before we begin, we must realize that the technologies we usually discuss under AI are not examples of Artificial Intelligence but a specific subfield called “machine learning.” Because the latter does not sound as exciting, the general term of AI continues to be used interchangeably, though it shouldn’t be.

We also found more real-life examples related to global recruiting where in the past, “Application Tracking Systems” left a lot of broken shards, and many applicants felt as if their applications went into a black hole. Integrating recruitment with an algorithm is one possible way to bring AI to Global Mobility, which is already being researched. This algorithm would not be constrained by human biases – such as sexism or racism – and could focus solely on relevant skills, qualifications, and experience.

Unfortunately, as with all new technologies, we must tread carefully. AI is created by and trained on human values, experiences, and examples and can take up our strengths and weaknesses. Some issues reared their heads recently with Google’s AI misbehaving and an AI art project turning racist due to bad training being input to the algorithms. So much of modern technology is influenced, primarily through various funding channels, by the world’s elite and they exert their beliefs and biases on controlling the direction the development and usage takes. Their economic, skin color and gender privileges are often visible in these creations.

The Implicit Bias in Tech

When the original Kinect was released, it had difficulty recognizing people with darker skin. It was discovered that the early code measured the contrast between the eyes and the upper cheek and nose. So, without optimal lighting conditions, that algorithm failed to detect people without white or light skin. Later iterations of the product fixed this issue and worked in sub-optimal light.

Another example of AI going wrong was revealed with Amazon scrapped its internal AI-based hiring tool after it was revealed that it was somehow biased against women. Again, because the current AI is machine learning, the recruitment tool learned from historical data. Like most other aspects of life, the professional workplace was male-dominated, and the AI learned to be biased against women’s resumes. Not a good look for AI and Amazon.

Careful nurturing of this new technology will benefit Global Mobility and all aspects of work as we know it. AI-powered digital spaces already enable whole groups of professionals to interact more efficiently and effectively; every social platform utilizes algorithmic data feeds and machine learning of your usage habits to connect you to relevant professionals. That is how thriving communities of artists form on Instagram, writing groups on Twitter, and digital marketers on LinkedIn.

To some degree, this technology has also made its way into strategic workforce planning and even transforming workspaces. The flip side, again, is that businesses need to be wary of adopting these changes too fast or without any feedback from the employees who will be impacted. A frequent pushback to such decisions is the employees’ desire to have a suitable workplace that promotes comfort and familiarity, such as break spaces, meeting rooms, and workstations.

Human Touch in Global Mobility cannot be replaced (yet)

This brings me to my initial point: the “human touch.” That will be the determining factor to the success or failure of AI adoption. Maintaining the human touch while transitioning processes and systems to AI is critical. So as we rethink our business core and competencies to align with AI and technology, we should do our best to remember that at the heart of our work in Global Mobility are people with emotions, feelings, skills, and abilities who are diverse and unique and deserve to thrive in the best work conditions. At least for a few years, parts of our brain aren’t yet reproducible, according to this neuropsychologist.

Currently, there are no easy solutions as most companies are treading new grounds in adoption and optimization. However, one thing organizations, businesses, and Global Mobility Teams can do is to remember to make this shift in a way that aligns with business needs and the needs of the people. “Think Global People” ran a detailed discussion on this subject which you can read here to increase your knowledge, as AI adoption will soon become the hot topic in Global Mobility.

Maintaining the human touch while transitioning processes and systems to AI is critical. So as we rethink our business core and competencies to align with AI and technology, we should do our best to remember that at the heart of our work in Global Mobility are people with emotions, feelings, skills, and abilities who are diverse and unique and deserve to thrive in the best work conditions. 

We will shortly publish “The Global Rockstar Album“, Angie Weinberger’s new book for managers and nomads who want to bring purpose, performance, and productivity to their work while becoming more inclusive servant leaders. Sign up here to learn more about our publications.