Tag Archives: entrepreneur

My Top Seven Killer Tips for Jobseekers

Digital presence, Sign saying "Kiosk" - the best kiosk in town, best is replaced by "most expensive", many colors.

This post gives seven tips on why jobseekers and digital nomads need a digital presence. It also explains why this is needed and further resoures to work with.

Seven Strategies to Keep your Business Afloat

Businesses all over the world are having a tough time raising their head in this period that is characterised by uncertainties. However, here are some seven proven strategies that will help you get ahead and weather this storm of Coronavirus pandemic.

The Social Media Newbie – Part 5 – YouTube

Angie Weinberger

Guest Post by Nabeha Latif, Social Media Guru If you’ve got all your social media covered, why leave out YouTube? If you haven’t gotten around to capitalizing on the video platform’s huge audience, now is better than ever! When it comes to numbers, YouTube is hitting it out of the park! With around 500 hours worth of video content uploaded every minute, no wonder, it ranks No. 2 for global and domestic web traffic globally. In the current era of media consumption and content consumption, whether it’s education, entertainment, or news updates, YouTube has a vast variety for it all. With the whole social trend gradually moving towards video-based content on almost all platforms, YouTube is in the spotlight. Surely […]

Simplify Your Digital Life – On Reducing Complexity

The Holidays are near

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over and for the last few weeks, I was not in the holiday spirit at all. Even if Starbucks hands me a red cup and I order drinks with holiday flavors and eat Maroni it still feels very wrong that we are entering December shortly. It’s also a bit too warm outside. For the last few weeks of this year, I would like to bring more presence to all my interactions with you and my clients. Presence is important as we are constantly pulled in so many directions, and “energy flows where our attention goes” (Robbins, T n.d., para. 2). I would like to share with you a small confession: Before I launched my business […]

Women Shaping the Future of Entrepreneurship


This article examines the benefits of having more women in the tech industry and the importance of entrepreneurship for the future.