Tag Archives: Expat Coach Switzerland

Manage Your Energy

By Romée Jager Do you feel overwhelmed and overloaded before the day has started? You are not alone! It is 7:30 AM, and I started working half an hour ago. Even though it is only the beginning of my working day, I already feel way behind. I am staring at my screen and scrolling through my emails, marking them as unread again and giving them a color code.  I feel overwhelmed. I don’t know where to start. My solution? Making myself a second cup of coffee. While the smell of freshly roasted coffee beans reaches my nostrils, I think about how to structure my tasks for the day.  I wonder why we ‘’only’’ have 24 hours in a day, and […]

Getting out of the November Blues

November Blues

Getting out of the November Blues is an annual exercise for me. I’m sure you’ve noticed the arrival of winter by now – the avalanche of brilliant red-golden leaves falling from trees, the shortening of precious daylight hours, and the sudden briskness in the breeze. While the beauty of a European fall is unparalleled, the shorter days and cold weather herald a period of demotivation and negative feelings for some people. For me, the “Zurich fog” in November can get to me.  The thought of November Blues could be overwhelming. So, I have thought about ways to make November bearable for all of us. First, I would like you to join our workshop on 29 November that Pragati Siddhanti is […]

Diversity At Work – Do You Know Your Recipe?

Daniel Toth, diversity at work.

A Guest Post by Daniel Toth I’ve never cooked a goulash in my life, I guess for many reasons. You need many people to eat it, or you will eat it alone for a week. Then, not all the ingredients are available in Switzerland, or at least not have the exact same taste. But most likely, I tend to avoid everything Hungarian in my life, which could remind me of my home, where I grew up… it is not the place at all that it used to be, but populism and its effect on society is not the topic of today.  Yet when I was asked if I could share my expat experience, somehow, I got stuck to the idea, […]

The Post-Holiday Blues – Five Steps to Snap out of it

A New Year with a New Way of Starting it.

Have you returned from your Christmas holiday full of new spirit and New Year’s resolutions and do you already feel a shift in energy as days are getting a bit longer and there is more sunlight. My plants outside thought it was spring already and I did not dare to tell them yet that winter is coming back. I remember the slight optimism of last January when I was hoping for a “back to normal” and only six weeks later the world was in turmoil again.  This year I made a change and started the New Year in South India at 30 degrees Celsius and with an amazing vacation that feels like a trip to paradise. And while it’s cold […]