Tag Archives: expat spouse

Our Ten Commandments for the Global Mobility Manager

Ten commandments for the global mobility manager

We have lived in a world dominated by political, economic, and environmental uncertainty for many years. However, the past three years have been exceptional and challenging for most of us. The global health crisis caused by Covid-19 has brought the planet to its knees. The pandemic impacted all aspects of life and radically changed the way we work. The world of Global Mobility will never be the same. We are beyond Global Mobility and ride into a new way of working.  Considering the impact caused by the pandemic, it does not take a fortune teller to foresee that Global Mobility Managers will have to deal with the blow of the crisis in the years to come. If you thought that […]

Gaining an Overview of the Swiss Job Market as a Foreigner

HireMeExpress helps you to navigate the Swiss job market.

Are you interested in working in Switzerland? The Swiss job market offers a variety of opportunities for job seekers in industries such as finance, pharmaceuticals, and technology. However, before you start your job search, it’s important to research the industries and companies that interest you, as well as the current job market trends. We understand that researching the job market can be a daunting task, especially if you’re looking for work in a new country. That’s why we offer specific resources to help you navigate the Swiss job market with confidence. By using these resources and doing your own research, you can gain a better understanding of the Swiss job market and find the right opportunities for your skills and […]

Benefits of Spouse or “Plus One” – Communities in Global Mobility

by Tracy Hope When I was 22, I moved from New Zealand to California’s Santa Cruz, from one ocean-loving, laid-back community to another. I was young, I was excited, I was a newlywed on an adventure, and I couldn’t imagine the culture shock that I was going to experience there. It was only years later, when I had moved back to New Zealand and was preparing to move yet again, this time to Zürich, Switzerland, that I really took the time to analyse why returning to NZ from Santa Cruz was such a relief. I never found my niche in California, and it never felt like home. I made few friends there and had a permanent sense of being a […]

Opening a Food Business in Zurich, Switzerland

Food Business in Switzerland

I’m regularly going for business lunches in Zurich and when I started my business I could not really afford that. Nowadays, if I haven’t been to a restaurant yet, I always leave a Google review and I even give feedback on forms. The reason I am doing this is because I’m hardly ever wowed by the experience. There are a number of reasons for that and my Swiss friends will probably cancel me for saying that but one reason is the Swiss attitude and arrogance to literally everything. There are 1001 rules and regulations and it is hard to survive as a restaurant owner. So most restaurants here are owned by chains and many of them are great (such as […]

Giving Feedback Across Cultures

Dr. Jens Schmidt, A German Executive in Shanghai Dr. Jens Schmidt is an expat. The company’s corporate headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, assigned him  to improve efficiency at the company’s manufacturing plant in Shangai, China. During his first 90 days he came up with a list of quality issues and he shared this list with three of his direct reports (Mr. Zhu, Mr. Cao and Mrs. Ping).  He asked them for input on how to mitigate the issues within the next 90 days and what the “low hanging fruit” were. He emailed them on Friday evening and asked them to respond by Monday morning, enough time to review over the weekend. While Dr. Jens Schmidt was sorting out his moving goods […]