Tag Archives: Global Mobility

Eight Major Barriers to Expat Spouse Employment

Expat Spouse employment Bringing the family on board in global mobility Expat Family Support

We thought we should pull together the main reasons according to our experience that hinder Expat Spouse employment  in the host country. This is a non-scientific analysis based on opinions and experience. We identify eight major barriers to expat spouse employment and hope to help you overcome those.

Shattering Glass Ceilings: The Rise of Women in Global Mobility

Photo Credit: Geoff Pegler Women in Global Mobility

Shattering Glass Ceilings: The Rise of Women in Global Mobility In a world where boundaries are being shattered and opportunities are becoming more inclusive, women are breaking free from the constraints of traditional gender roles and making their mark in every field. The global mobility landscape, once dominated by men, is now witnessing a seismic shift as women rise to the forefront. From corporate executives to entrepreneurs, from expatriates to digital nomads, women are taking charge and redefining what it means to succeed in a globalized world. This empowering trend is not only reshaping the workforce but also challenging societal norms and inspiring future generations. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the rise of women in the […]

Diversity At Work – Do You Know Your Recipe?

Daniel Toth, diversity at work.

A Guest Post by Daniel Toth I’ve never cooked a goulash in my life, I guess for many reasons. You need many people to eat it, or you will eat it alone for a week. Then, not all the ingredients are available in Switzerland, or at least not have the exact same taste. But most likely, I tend to avoid everything Hungarian in my life, which could remind me of my home, where I grew up… it is not the place at all that it used to be, but populism and its effect on society is not the topic of today.  Yet when I was asked if I could share my expat experience, somehow, I got stuck to the idea, […]

Bringing the “Human Touch” Back into Global Mobility

Human Touch

Human Touch in Global Mobility We are robots. At least you could get this impression when you deal with us. Virginia Robot is an observer in our “Global Mobility Academy.” They* regularly comment on our work. For example, when we analyze the process landscape or help expats with their immigration process, Virginia butts in with a comment about how AI could do all that faster, better, and cheaper. For the last three years, we’ve been experimenting with digital global mobility coaching and transition support with you. We are in a good position to criticize the digitalization buzz and AI hype. Don’t get me wrong: I’m a fan of new and shiny tech tools, and I get excited about apps, but somewhere down […]

Seven Virtues for Purpose, Performance, and Productivity

Back to School in a great car

Seven Virtues for Purpose, Performance, and Productivity The Back-to-School Mood Rose petals sprinkled over my neglected Zen Garden, sunflower fields turned brown, and you have started to turn on the lights in the morning again. When you get home from work, you don’t want to sit outside anymore as it is dark, but you might vaguely remember this feeling you had as a kid when you were playing hide and seek at this time of the year, and it was just a notch better because it got dark at dinner time. This August is a bit like the “Summer of ‘69”. Did you also feel like a Rockstar? Finally out again in the world, listening to “Rock’n’Roll Music” or “Jailhouse Rock.”  […]