Tag Archives: HireMe!

Why Building Professional Relationships is Harder for Expat Spouses in Zurich

Spouse Adjust

Building Relationships is harder for Expat Spouses in Zurich.  As I sat on a panel, I just got as far as saying, “I think…” when the other panelist gave her opinion. She probably didn’t notice that I was trying to say something, but for a moment, I was annoyed and thought, “How rude…”. And it seems to happen more and more that I am waiting an instant too long, and then it is too late to say what I wanted to say. I now notice how I have become a “Swiss person.” I may have allowed a younger and shyer version of myself to take over these days. Having lived here in Zurich for over ten years, I prefer to […]

Do you have the Holiday Blues?

Back to the Telephone

The holidays are over and you are probably already getting back-to-work blues. That’s alright, most of us  experience a form of adjustment and maybe even feel a little overwhelmed at the change of pace. I thought I could ease myself in slowly by starting on Thursday already and then it hit me like a snowball. Friday, I was working away in a frenzy and did about four loads of washing at the same time. (I know, multitasking is not good for the brain, but every machine run is a bit like a smoking break – not that I smoke…but you get the gist.) Since a long time I haven’t written a to-do-list other than the ones, I write to structure […]

Get the Recruiter’s Attention with a Swiss Cover Letter

We teach you everything about the Swiss Job Market including Swiss Cover Letter writing

Get the Recruiter’s Attention with a Swiss Cover Letter You might be in a position right now where either you are worried about losing your job, or you are already looking for a new job. Maybe you have even been looking for a while already. Perhaps you feel it’s time to update your resume and your job-searching skills, just in case. Anyhow, I thought you could use this reminder from my older publication, “The Global Career Workbook,” on how to get a Swiss recruiter’s attention. The Global Career Workbook Cover letter writing is an art. With modern technology, applicants often do not see the need to write a cover letter these days, but in my opinion, it is the most […]