Tag Archives: International Assignments

Our Ten Commandments for the Global Mobility Manager

Ten commandments for the global mobility manager

We have lived in a world dominated by political, economic, and environmental uncertainty for many years. However, the past three years have been exceptional and challenging for most of us. The global health crisis caused by Covid-19 has brought the planet to its knees. The pandemic impacted all aspects of life and radically changed the way we work. The world of Global Mobility will never be the same. We are beyond Global Mobility and ride into a new way of working.  Considering the impact caused by the pandemic, it does not take a fortune teller to foresee that Global Mobility Managers will have to deal with the blow of the crisis in the years to come. If you thought that […]

Bringing the Family on Board in Global Mobility

Expat Spouse employment Bringing the family on board in global mobility Expat Family Support

Bringing the Family on Board in Global Mobility Have you been offered an international project or long-term assignment to another country and are not sure how to bring your family on board? Many expats make difficult decisions. These decisions are not always to the liking of our partner or children, especially teenagers can be quite difficult when they find out that they have to leave their friends. Having worked in Global Mobility for a long time in my career, I would like to help you with tips of bringing the family on board in global mobility earlier in the process. You might argue now that your partner knew when they married you, that you had an international outlook on your […]