Tag Archives: job search

The ‘Bourne Effect’ – Why you Need a Brand

Why do you need a personal brand? How are your work principles related to your personal brand? The " Bourne Effect"

You are Jason Bourne, you wake up in a hotel room in a Middle Eastern country. It’s too hot in your room. You sweat and you just woke up from a nightmare. You are not sure if this nightmare is a memory because you cannot remember who you are. How will it be possible for you to connect with anyone? How will you trust others if you do not even know who you are? What if you have changed your identity so often that you cannot even clearly pronounce your name? This is a challenge and you are probably shaking your head. “This is a movie, it’s not real.”.  Yes, but there is a truth in this movie that is […]

Help Your Spouse Adjust to the Host Country – Five Key Principles

Spouse Adjust

Going on an international assignment is often a relationship challenge. Even if you have already been married for a long time, moving abroad can bring out the best and worst in the relationship with your spouse and/or life partner. Gone are the days of the “expat wife” sitting in the expat country club, playing tennis or painting her fingernails at the pool while an armada of the staff was taking care of the driving, children, household, and cooking. Today, life partners and spouses are of all backgrounds and all colors. My observation is that more and more male spouses are joining female expats. We also see more same-sex couples doing assignments together. Some couples plan to have a family while […]