Tag Archives: Learning from Angie Weinberger
Angie Weinberger’s Latest Song and The Global Rockstar Album
Anne-Kristelle Carrier’s inaugural speech at the book launch party for “The Global Rockstar Album – 21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader” introducing Angela Weinberger Dear guests, dear team, Angie, good afternoon! I am truly honored to have worked with Angie’s team on this unique project and to be here for this long-awaited Global Rockstar Album book launch. Angela Weinberger is a true visionary and leader in Global Mobility and has dedicated her career until now to changing things for the better in the corporate world: bringing the Human Touch back into mobility, integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion practices, and wrapping it all up, changing the narrative of what a good leader is. I met Angie in […]
Five Reasons why you Should Consider a Virtual Internship
Guest Post by Sara M. Five Reasons why you Should Consider a Virtual Internship I am now three months into my new job, what someone would call my first real job, and my student life seems so far behind. The truth is that less than a year has gone by since I finished writing my thesis and my student ID expired just four months ago. Fortunately and unpredictably, 2020 was for me a rather eventful year despite what could be common assumptions. In particular, one event at the very beginning of the year marked a great part of the months that followed: in January, I happily signed my six months internship agreement at Global People Transitions. Only one condition initially […]