Tag Archives: psychologcal safety

Providing Psychological Safety in a BANI World

21 Verses to Find Your Tact as an Inclusive Leader

Jamais Cascio, the author who coined “BANI world” wrote “[a] sizable share of those of us who work in the field of imagining the future often struggle with […] a difficulty in seeing our world in anything other than an apocalyptic frame. It’s not because we want it this way, but because other framings seem inadequate or false. The danger of this urge is that it can easily become a trigger for surrender, a slipstream into despair. Through all this, we believe that we can do something to improve the situation, at least our own, if not the whole wide world’s situation.” According to Cascio, “For each problematic aspect of our BANI world, there may not be so much a […]