Tag Archives: solopreneur
My Top Seven Killer Tips for Jobseekers

This post gives seven tips on why jobseekers and digital nomads need a digital presence. It also explains why this is needed and further resoures to work with.
Simplify Your Digital Life – On Reducing Complexity

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over and for the last few weeks, I was not in the holiday spirit at all. Even if Starbucks hands me a red cup and I order drinks with holiday flavors and eat Maroni it still feels very wrong that we are entering December shortly. It’s also a bit too warm outside. For the last few weeks of this year, I would like to bring more presence to all my interactions with you and my clients. Presence is important as we are constantly pulled in so many directions, and “energy flows where our attention goes” (Robbins, T n.d., para. 2). I would like to share with you a small confession: Before I launched my business […]