Tag Archives: ten commandments for the global mobility manager
How to Develop Your Global Competency as a Nomad

A factor that is often underestimated in Global Mobility is the critical importance of developing global competency. As you probably understand already, the arena of Global Mobility is vast, and nobody will have all the answers for you. If you enjoy constant challenges and a day that never looks the same Global Mobility could be right for you. However, you also need to be very structured, focused, and analytical. For Global Mobility Lecturers like Angie Weinberger, it is a constant challenge to provide a curriculum that is based on the right career level and also deep enough. Most courses you will find about Global Mobility in your home country will assume the home approach and all the particular legal areas […]
Embarking on your Expat Journey

Ten Ideas to help you with your Expat Lifestyle I promised you ten ideas from my experience as a Global Mobility Coach when you embark on your Expat Journey. Moving to another country poses a lot of challenges. Too often, we all rely on our employers and hope they will ensure everything is done correctly. When we get an indication that an international assignment could have challenges because we talk to other expats, we might not take those so seriously or think that specific issues do not apply to us. You probably also believe you can outsmart everybody else, correct? Still, here are ten ideas you should follow when embarking on your Expat Journey Host Market Salary: Often, the salary […]