Tag Archives: The Global Rockstar Album

Global Recruiting – Eight Tips to Keep in Mind Before Hiring Job Candidates Abroad

Global Recruiting is a challenge. Hiring your employees from other countries will give your company a chance to find a motivated and skilled workforce, particularly if your country is suffering from a shortage of skilled labor on a national scale in specific job sectors. However, sourcing your workforce from another country is difficult if you have never done it before. Here are eight tips that you should think about before you consider hiring from abroad: 1 – Use Traditional and Online Marketing Every country has its own set of laws that dictate how marketing and advertising are to be conducted. These sets of laws are also applicable to online advertising and traditional recruitment marketing, so make sure that you, as […]

Digital Disruptors in Global Mobility

Digital Detox Day Digital Disruptors in Global Mobility

Rapid changes influence the traditional workforce in digital market trends, technology advancements, and connectivity. New attitudes toward work and careers evolve from the connected workforce generation. Disruptive technology already affects long-standing business models and established companies in all business areas. “Disruptive technology,” coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen in 1995, is defined as “ when a new business model attracts an under-serviced market or revenue stream and grows until it supplants incumbent competitors. Technologies are not in themselves disruptive, but their application in a new business model can be” (Christensen subsequently refers to the same concept as “disruptive innovation”). Have you recently faced increased pressure to adapt the way you work to the new digital market trends and […]

Helping Global Talents Succeed in Zurich

Global Rockstars

Helping global talents succeed in Zurich has been part of my job for years. I am holding a workshop on the topic with HR professionals, and I revisited the five steps. They have not changed over the last decade despite advances in technology and an even higher talent shortage globally. On the one hand, we have many open positions in Zurich; we hear that employers cannot find the right candidates, there is a war for talent, a shortage of talent, and all that. On the other hand, I speak to many global talents and expat spouses who cannot seem to get a foot in the door and not even land one interview while applying to positions. We are talking about […]

How to Develop Your Global Competency as a Nomad

A wall full of globes in different sizes.

A factor that is often underestimated in Global Mobility is the critical importance of developing global competency. As you probably understand already, the arena of Global Mobility is vast, and nobody will have all the answers for you. If you enjoy constant challenges and a day that never looks the same Global Mobility could be right for you. However, you also need to be very structured, focused, and analytical. For Global Mobility Lecturers like Angie Weinberger, it is a constant challenge to provide a curriculum that is based on the right career level and also deep enough. Most courses you will find about Global Mobility in your home country will assume the home approach and all the particular legal areas […]

Nutcracker Relief


I went to the ballet. They showed Nutcracker and Mouseking. If you know the story of the Nutcracker, you can relate to his feeling. He is a prince trapped in a wooden statue. Maybe you feel more like “Aschenbroedel”?  A princess trapped in a grey suit who sorts out the beans or the dollars on a spreadsheet. You are well-travelled and fascinated by travelling outside the shores of your country. You are presumed to have the same bubbly experience as an expat sent on an international assignment to another country.  You thought your experience would be like your adventure on your previous vacation trips. Your first day in the foreign land was laden with much exuberance and effervescence. But you […]