Tag Archives: The Global Rockstar Album

How to Manage Global Virtual Teams

Unlike traditional teams, global virtual teams don’t meet at the same location daily, which is becoming more feasible in this century. Globalization has created this concept, a common phenomenon in large organizations and small businesses. According to the Clutch Remote Work Survey, most U.S. workers temporarily work from home at least one day per week, and this trend is not about to fade. While some of us always worked in Global Virtual Teams (GVT), we still meet leaders who prefer to have their team sit in the same physical location with them. Learning to lead global virtual Teams better was a big motivator for me to finalize and publish “The Global Rockstar Album – 21 Verses to Find Your Tact […]

The Power of Global Leadership Coaching for Expats

In today’s rapidly evolving global landscape, effective leadership is indispensable. Organizations worldwide are navigating unprecedented challenges, from technological advancements to cultural shifts and economic uncertainties. In such dynamic environments, the need for capable leaders to steer their teams toward success has never been more crucial. This is where global leadership coaching is a game-changer, offering many benefits beyond individual growth to catalyze organizational excellence. Understanding Global Leadership Coaching   Global leadership coaching is not just about imparting skills or techniques; it’s a comprehensive approach that fosters holistic development. It involves working closely with leaders across diverse cultures, backgrounds, and geographical locations to enhance their capabilities, broaden their perspectives, and maximize their potential. Whether it’s guiding executives through complex decision-making processes, […]

Privilege in the Workplace

Privilege in the Workplace

Breaking Down Privilege: Recognizing and Overcoming Inequality In a world that is becoming increasingly aware of social issues and inequalities, it is crucial to delve into privilege. Privilege, often defined as unearned advantages enjoyed by certain individuals or groups, plays a significant role in perpetuating societal inequality. This thought-provoking topic calls for a deep dive into the various forms of privilege and their impact on marginalized communities. By understanding and acknowledging privilege, we can take essential steps toward creating a more inclusive and equitable world for all. In this article, we will explore the different dimensions of privilege, examine how it manifests in our day-to-day lives, and discuss effective strategies to overcome inequality. Together, let’s break down the barriers that […]

Aggression at Work

Workplace Aggression

When your colleague Paul tells you he has get home at 6 pm to see his children he throws in that your boss asked for a report she needs to have on her desk at 7 AM tomorrow. You cringe and call your partner to tell him you will need another 30 minutes to finalize the report. Your stomach feels hot and red. You are angry. Your colleague manages to get away. Why does he not have a deliverable here? Why is this team effort on your shoulders now? You think you could test if the boss was serious about 7 AM but you know you won’t get away with it. Another messed up night. Your partner will be angry too now. You strip out […]

Digital Disruptors in Global Mobility

Digital Detox Day Digital Disruptors in Global Mobility

Rapid changes influence the traditional workforce in digital market trends, technology advancements, and connectivity. New attitudes toward work and careers evolve from the connected workforce generation. Disruptive technology already affects long-standing business models and established companies in all business areas. “Disruptive technology,” coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen in 1995, is defined as “ when a new business model attracts an under-serviced market or revenue stream and grows until it supplants incumbent competitors. Technologies are not in themselves disruptive, but their application in a new business model can be” (Christensen subsequently refers to the same concept as “disruptive innovation”). Have you recently faced increased pressure to adapt the way you work to the new digital market trends and […]