Tag Archives: TheGlobalRockstarAlbum

Top Nine Tips to Deal With Viral Infections


When I had Covid-19 the first time in 2020 I was one of the first cases in Switzerland and advice was hard to come by. I created a guideline for myself and others: Top Nine Tips to Deal With Viral Infections. it’s four years later, and many times I felt I had COVID again, but I did not test positive anymore. Maybe the first time was such a huge dose that I am now WonderWoman (a secret escape fantasy I had after I recovered as WW was always my childhood superhero role model, and the movie “WW 1984” was supposed to be out at the same time, so I listened to the music during recovery). What I have noticed though […]

How to Move to a New Country for Work – My Top Ten Tips

Moving to a new country for work is a life-altering experience with its share of challenges and opportunities. While your employer plays a significant role in facilitating the transition, it’s vital to ensure a smooth and enriching expat experience actively. In this comprehensive guide, drawing from my extensive experience as a Global Mobility Coach, I will delve deeper into each of the ten crucial ideas to help you make the most of your expat lifestyle. 1 – Check the Host Market Salary with an Expert in the Country One of the first and most crucial considerations when embarking on your expat journey is understanding your host market salary. Often, salary levels are determined at the “peer” level, but the details […]

Expat Onboarding in the Host Company 90 Days Survival Pack

Global Rockstars

I have noticed that many international talents were left frustrated by moving to another country for work. I observed that the issues weren’t just financial but related to the individuals and the company underestimating the challenges of moving to a new country. Therefore, today, I would like to draw on my experience and discuss some important practices for that critical period, the first 90-odd days of an expat landing in a new country and beginning their onboarding process in the host company. You can also refer back to this post on Embarking on Your Journey.   1 – Prepare Before You Land Increasingly, in this age of protectionism, many countries now require you, the ex-pat, and your accompanying family to have […]

Five Tips for Rainbow Talent Moving to Zurich, Switzerland

Rainbow Talent

In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the concept of a nomadic lifestyle is gaining popularity among individuals who identify as part of the rainbow talent spectrum. The rainbow talent, encompassing the LGBTQ+ community, brings diversity and unique perspectives to the global workforce. For those embracing a nomadic lifestyle, navigating the challenges and joys can be exhilarating. When we started our series for Rainbow Talent, we came across common challenges worldwide. We thought we would give you these five tips for Zurich, Switzerland. Please contact us for resources if you need the same guidance for other locations. Here are five tips to help rainbow talent thrive in their nomadic endeavors. What is a Nomadic Lifestyle? We consider it a […]

Expat Mental Health – Getting Out of the Valley of Tears

Mental Health for Expats

Living as an expat can be an exciting and rewarding experience but can also come with challenges. Adjusting to a new culture, language, and environment can affect your mental health and well-being. However, by prioritizing your mental health and implementing some practical tips, you can maintain a healthy mindset while living abroad. 1 – Understand Intercultural Adjustment Better For Expat Mental Health Intercultural adjustment is a psychological process that requires a lot of energy. It usually has a phase that I call the “valley of tears.” In this valley, you will naturally want to move away from the host country and everybody else. While I understand the need to pull back and recharge, I would challenge you to go on […]