The Guild House of Global Mobility

The Guild House of Global Mobility is a virtual, collaborative academy born from a collaboration between the Expatise Academy and Global People Transitions.

We offer a high-quality standard, one-year program designed for Global Mobility Professionals. It is customizable to the client and geared towards a corporate Global Mobility function. This guild house fosters our mission to bring the Human Touch back into Global Mobility and to build a global guild of professionals in the field, irrespective of their roles as vendors or in-house professionals. Angela Weinberger also teaches in the “Global Mobility” field at these universities, focusing on enhancing the Expat and Hiring Experience.

Erasmus MC HRGM Brochure 2024-2025

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Master Course in Human Resources and Global Mobility, Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Université de Bourgogne, MA in Intercultural Management (ICM), Dijon (France)

ZHAW – Zuercher Hochschule fuer Angewandte Wissenschaften, Zurich (Switzerland) Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Global Mobility Management,


The Red Couch Talks