The Guild House of Global Mobility
The Guild House of Global Mobility is a virtual, collaborative academy born from a collaboration between the Expatise Academy and Global People Transitions.
We offer a high-quality standard, one-year program designed for Global Mobility Professionals. It is customizable to the client and geared towards a corporate Global Mobility function. This guild house fosters our mission to bring the Human Touch back into Global Mobility and to build a global guild of professionals in the field, irrespective of their roles as vendors or in-house professionals. Angela Weinberger also teaches in the “Global Mobility” field at these universities, focusing on enhancing the Expat and Hiring Experience.
Erasmus MC HRGM Brochure 2024-2025
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Master Course in Human Resources and Global Mobility, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Université de Bourgogne, MA in Intercultural Management (ICM), Dijon (France)
ZHAW – Zuercher Hochschule fuer Angewandte Wissenschaften, Zurich (Switzerland) Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Global Mobility Management,
The Red Couch Talks
Sign up here to be invited to Angie Weinberger’s upcoming book launches and related workshops
Storytime for Global Mobility Padawans – Ten Years of First Class Global Mobility Education
When Rainbow Talent Says “No” To Relocation and How to Handle it in Global Mobility Policies