Category Archives: Career Coaching

How to Make it in Winterthur – An Indian Teacher on her Journey to Becoming a Digital Learning Specialist

Balakirthika Jayakumar

Guest Post by Balakirthika Jayakumar Switzerland is considered a paradise on Earth. Every human aspires to set foot on the land of Switzerland. Why is it that one aspires to visit this place? It is the bounty of nature in this country that attracts people, as well as the high standard and quality of living. The people of India are fortunate enough to glimpse Switzerland through movies. It is a cliché to have a song shot in this country to add richness to the movie. People, personally or virtually, have ideas about this country that exude “excellence” on all levels (including, but not limited to, chocolate and cuckoo clocks). These days, thanks to social media, we find resources on the […]

The Digital Nomad Lifestyle

A wall full of globes in different sizes.

Digital nomads share their experiences in online communities, such as the “Female Digital Nomads” Facebook group. Members sometimes report challenges related to visa issues, personal safety, and taxation complexities. These anecdotes highlight the importance of thorough research and preparation for those considering the digital nomad lifestyle. The vision of working from picturesque locations like beaches in Croatia or huts in Estonia remains appealing, especially to Millennials. However, practical challenges like reliable internet access can sometimes dampen this idealised image. For example, attempting to log in to a Zoom call from certain regions may present connectivity issues, reminding us that the digital nomad lifestyle requires careful planning and adaptability.  Same Old or a New Breed in Global Mobility Contrary to what […]

Turn Problems into Solutions – Four Approaches to Solving Problems

Problems can be turned into solutions

“Experience is, for me, the highest authority. The touchstone of validity is my own experience. No other person’s ideas and none of my ideas are as authoritative as my experience. It is to experience that I must return again and again, to discover a closer approximation to truth as it is in the process of becoming me.” – Carl R. Rogers, On Becoming a Person, 1954 1 – Talk about “Problems” to Find a Solution When I was a teenager, we had set meal times and would sit at a table together at least twice a day. Our Sunday family brunch often led to a conversation about a “problem.” My dad was studying to be a Carl Rogers client-centered therapist […]

My Top Seven Killer Tips for Jobseekers

Digital presence, Sign saying "Kiosk" - the best kiosk in town, best is replaced by "most expensive", many colors.

This post gives seven tips on why jobseekers and digital nomads need a digital presence. It also explains why this is needed and further resoures to work with.

Offline and Online Presence is the Way Forward for Global Mobility Coaches

Offline and Online Global People Club

These days, if you’re not on LinkedIn or any equivalent jobs platform, you’re either sitting on a large inheritance or seriously out of touch with the industry. For freelancers in particular and job seekers in general, having a digital presence is now perhaps as essential as being qualified to work, to begin with.