Author Archives: Angie Weinberger

Get the Recruiter’s Attention with a Swiss Cover Letter

Swiss cover letter

You might be in a position right now where either you are worried about losing your job or you are already looking for a new job. Maybe you have even been looking for a while already. Perhaps you feel it’s time to update your resume and your job-searching skills, just in case. I thought you could use this reminder from my older publication, “The Global Career Workbook,” on how to get a Swiss recruiter’s attention. Cover letter writing is an art. With modern technology, applicants often do not see the need to write a cover letter these days, but in my opinion, it is the most artistic part of a good application. Emphatically,  in Switzerland, IT’S A MUST. Many recruiters […]

Digital Disruptors in Global Mobility

Digital Detox Day Digital Disruptors in Global Mobility

Rapid changes influence the traditional workforce in digital market trends, technology advancements, and connectivity. New attitudes toward work and careers evolve from the connected workforce generation. Disruptive technology already affects long-standing business models and established companies in all business areas. “Disruptive technology,” coined by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen in 1995, is defined as “ when a new business model attracts an under-serviced market or revenue stream and grows until it supplants incumbent competitors. Technologies are not in themselves disruptive, but their application in a new business model can be” (Christensen subsequently refers to the same concept as “disruptive innovation”). Have you recently faced increased pressure to adapt the way you work to the new digital market trends and […]

Helping Global Talents Succeed in Zurich

Global Rockstars

Helping global talents succeed in Zurich has been part of my job for years. I am holding a workshop on the topic with HR professionals, and I revisited the five steps. They have not changed over the last decade despite advances in technology and an even higher talent shortage globally. On the one hand, we have many open positions in Zurich; we hear that employers cannot find the right candidates, there is a war for talent, a shortage of talent, and all that. On the other hand, I speak to many global talents and expat spouses who cannot seem to get a foot in the door and not even land one interview while applying to positions. We are talking about […]

Recruiting Fail Could Easily be Avoided

Photo: Geoff Pegler

Global Mobility Managers are increasingly involved in recruiting international talent. This makes a lot of sense when you consider that we have the knowledge and skills to deal with most of the challenges that hiring people from other countries brings. However, since we are not officially responsible in most organizations, we don’t get the necessary resources to handle recruiting professionally. Hence, we can consult but not support. So, dear recruiters, I hope this is helpful. The Search for the Right International Talent “Lifestyle Expats” are an essential factor in today’s global force, and the actual circumstances suggest that the phenomenon is on the rise (Habti & Elo, 2019). Thanks to technological changes, such as online recruiting, the labor market has […]

The Social Media Newbie Series – Part 1 LinkedIn

Social Media LinkedIn

With the world going digital and businesses indulging increasingly in online servicing, communications and social interactions have become more of a hotspot, especially with LinkedIn helping freelance and stay-at-home workers connect and grow their brands.As an ever-growing platform, certain aspects call for a sturdy base for an end-user, and such can be obtained by adding on and working around a few LinkedIn Must-Haves to boost your profile in the digital world. LinkedIn requires each individual to start by creating their profile, but that’s where most users leave it. There are many options, tips, and tricks to get the most out of your profile and make it attractive. Use Your Real and Full Name Your name and title should be exactly […]