Consider a Writing Career in Switzerland – Three Tips to Get Started

Are you one of those settled professionals who suddenly had to get out of the last job? Did you love to write as a high school senior but figured a career in journalism would take too many years of crafting the art?
Maybe this is the time in your life when you want to get back into the habit. Perhaps this is really the time when you want to consider starting a writing career in Switzerland.
Seven Reasons to Start a Writing Career in Switzerland
1) You cannot handle frustrating meetings any longer
2) You don’t want to conform to the typical 8 AM to 5 PM working day
3) You’ve decided that you finally want to feed your passion and earn an income out of it
4) You’ve always been good at telling stories and want to do it more consistently
5) Your values constantly clash with your company’s values
6) Parenthood completely overwhelmed you
7) Your partner got a wonderful –it-was-always-my-dream-to-move-to Switzerland-Singapore-Santa Barbara-kind of job offer and you are in a new country without a professional network.
How many of these points can you tick? If you can relate to at least one of them, I encourage you to keep reading what comes next.

Four Signs You Feel the Urge to Develop Your Creative Side
1) You neglected writing in order to earn a living but you always journal during your holidays.
2) You did not know you were more creative than others until a psychologist told you.
3) You are bored and need to do more than painting your nails, cooking and washing clothes to satisfy your creativity.
4) You are going through a transition and that triggers the urge to WRITE, PAINT, SING, PLAY AN INSTRUMENT…
Your writing could become a new source of income for you. You will probably not land a bestseller overnight but even publishing a book has become rather easy in the age of kindle desktop publishing.
It is important that you have the skill of language composition and you know your grammar well. Unless you wish to become a literary fiction writer,I don’t think you need a diploma in writing though.
Three Tips to Start a Writing Career in Switzerland
#1 Guest Blog
You could guest blog for “Hello Switzerland” for starters or submit your articles to They also have good writing tips there.
You can also check the categories on our website to see if you would be a good fit as guest blogger for Global People Transitions. We’d be happy to read your content! Write to if you’re interested.
#2 Join a Community of Writers
As a large and international expat hub, Zurich has a great community of writers and independent authors and there is a lot to learn.
#3 Educate Yourself with a Good Mentor
If you need a kick in the b… I recommend you read Jeff Goins’ blog. He motivates aspiring writers and authors.
What’s your experience with blogging and writing?
Join our Club Sandwich readers and contact me in case you want to write for me.